23 - Trying

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Panic throbbed like a migraine at his temples.

He strode to the door and snatched it open. Aki and Yui were talking quietly, keeping watch in the common room. Both came to their feet at his appearance.

Aki put a hand on his sword. He asked, "Everything all right?"

"No," he said. "Get Ochako."

"I'm here," Ochako said from one of the other doorways. She was barefoot but otherwise dressed in black cargo pants and an army green T-shirt that fit snugly against her lean torso. She strode across the room quickly, eyes sharp. "What's up, princess?"

He said to Ochako in a low voice, "Katsuki has been casting spells so that he and I can dream together, and I didn't dream last night. Something's wrong."

And he couldn't make a simple, damn phone call to see if the man was all right.

Ochako's gaze had widened as he talked. "Okay," the captain said. "Let's talk it through. Has he ever had problems in dream casting before?"

"We've only done it together a couple of times," Izuku said. He rubbed his mouth and tried to get in control of his panic, to force himself to think logically. "The Power in the Wood interferes with phone calls. Maybe it can disrupt Katsuki's spell."

"He's Powerful as shit and older than dirt," Ochako said, her voice steady and not unkind. "Rather than something happening to him, it's much more likely that the Wood interfered with his spell, don't you think?"

Suddenly Izuku grew calm. "That makes sense, but he doesn't know that, and last night was important. We had things to discuss."

What would Katsuki do now?

The dragon would be doing the same thing that he was doing, working his way through the possible reasons for their missed connection.

Izuku had the advantage. He knew Katsuki went to bed safe in his home territory, whereas to the man, he was deep in the heart of enemy territory.

Would Katsuki watch and wait for word?

If the Lord of the Nyr didn't- if the Elves discovered that he had crossed the Elven border again without permission, Izuku didn't think there was anything he could say then that would repair the treaties, and they might not be able to avoid war.

The Elves had been quite clear: they would treat any further trespass from the dragon as an act of invasion.

He said, "We need to send someone out and hope they get out of the Wood in time to make a phone call before Katsuki decides to come in after us."

Ochako's eyebrows rose. "Sounds like we better get someone out fast."


The night before...

Throwing their bed against the wall hadn't done anything to improve Katsuki's mood.

He knew Izuku felt stressed about the trip, and he had no intention of arguing via text messages, but he was utterly furious with the boy.

How dare he rebuke him, leave their dream and turn off his cell phone? How dare he bring up that old issue of servants and employees, and throw Tenya in his face?

Did he not allow Izuku to do as he wished in most things?

How dare he disobey him?

Yeah, he heard that.

He tossed the king-sized bed back into place, showered, dressed in black fatigues and a thin, black silk sweater, and left the Tower.

Another heavy day of fighting was scheduled for that day, so the bouts started at five A.M. Despite the early beginning, all the seats were filled. Tension had ratcheted up. One hundred and twelve contestants would start the day. By tonight there would be fifty-six.

Crossing Fates : Book 3 - Detain (BakuDeku)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora