101: How to be a Dungeon

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What are you doing?

Nu asked as Delta made a window and began to write with her finger as a pen. Rough squiggles and chicken scratch transformed into elegant victorian era quill type calligraphy with large flourishes and loops so grand that you could drive a car through them. Delta snorted.

"I would love to write like that but let's be honest," she chided the window. The text blurred again and changed into simple black text. Delta smiled and turned to Nu.

"Well, the whole thing with Bro happened so fast that it's just now a ton of questions are coming to me. Like you can hardly blame me, I was kidnapped by a tree and rescued by the world's oldest annoying sibling!" she complained.

She pointed to the first line.

"Like for example. Did I choose my name or was that some compulsion? Since Alpha, Beta, and Gamma are around that means all four of us went with greek lettering to our numbering. That's unlikely to be a random thing," she stated.

I can ask if you want? Sis is mostly doing patch work and working on her inter-dungeon communication project.

Delta hesitated but decided the nagging feeling of never knowing would be worse than just knowing, no matter what the answer was. She could learn to deal if she knew. Delta would never heal her mental trauma if she refused to learn.


Nu was gone before she finished speaking. Delta hovered over her core on its platform and eyed the glowing four inside.

She had latched on to the name for the longest time due to that symbol. It felt so long ago like the beginning of a book that had too many chapters. She distracted herself by adding more questions to the 'important questions to ask next time kidnapped' list.

Nu reappeared.

I have returned.

He declared this with almost no sarcasm. Delta made a little wave with her hands to celebrate.

Sis said you were simply named 1, 2, 3 and 4. However, when making the vessels for each of your beings... some of which took longer than others Sis and her brother took into consideration what you all knew. Summing up what language and what ideas you all knew and combining them to prevent having to make 4 different language modules. Extra was stored for when you were all ready to reabsorb them. Most of you knew a common language and many ideas. One of which was these words 'Alpha' to your own name 'Delta'. So it wasn't compulsion as much as you all having your other languages and ideas delayed at the beginning. You all reached from the same pool of knowledge.

"So not mind control, just us being uncreative and thinking we're cool," Delta summed up. Nu shrugged.

Uncreative. Sure. Let's go with that. Sis did let slip that the one called 'Alpha' named himself due to the state of the system. He was the first around and had the 'Alpha state' as she called it. Interesting but... If you weren't called Delta, what would you call yourself now?

Nu asked interested.

The question surprised her but her answer was quick to come.

"Darth Fluffy the destroyer of mankind and deliverer of muffins," she said easily. Nu merely turned to her list.

What other questions did you have?

Delta stuck her tongue out at him but read off the next one.

"If Bro made monsters, then what are Domains and why do monsters go for dungeons if they're supposed to be working together?" she mused. Like the Spider Queen.

I doubt Sis can answer that. I do not have a direct line to the Brother sadly. But we can speculate. Brother may have made them to search for these 'Spores of the lost sibling'. They are created with instincts and a desire to feed off sources of Spores. Even if they are a previous experiment—and one Dungeons are a step up from- doesn't mean they know about it. Monsters are created by Mana but they also breed and mutate. The Brother designed them to survive regardless of what people did, no doubt. Perhaps feeding off Dungeons is something they themselves don't understand. Maybe in some way they sense themselves in Dungeons? Perhaps they sense the Spores that Dungeons have or echoes of them? Hard to tell.

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