*+。 CHAPTER 0。+*

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*This is my book translated into English. I know there's a lot of mistakes but English isn't my first language so I would be grateful if you would correct me. And when you do that, for example in the comments, I'll immediately correct these mistakes in the book. Thank you and I wish you all the best.*


A teenage woman was just finishing her make-up, softly humming the tune of a song she had recently heard on the radio. She was standing in the bathroom, in front of a large mirror, and when she had finished putting on her make-up, she sighed heavily and with a grim expression looked at her figure more closely.

The mulatto was very thin, and if you looked closely, you could see her ribs, sharp bones at the elbows and slightly sunken cheeks. She was wearing red, tight shorts and a bra of the same color. In addition, she wore a thin, see-through cape that reached to her knees.

The woman looked at her slightly disheveled, curly hair and with great reluctance reached for hair tie band she had on her hand and tied them into a high ponytail. She knew that if she didn't, her boss would yell at her again. The man always made her and the other girls tie their hair. He thought it made them show more of their body and make them look more attractive.

Who was her boss and where did she work? Well, Basilio Bardales, he's the owner of the most famous brothel in the city where Narin and several other women worked.

However, the mulatto wasn't there of her own free will. The woman was born there, and her mother worked in this place before her. However, she died in childbirth, and since then Narin was raised in a brothel and had to do things she would never have thought possible before.

The head of the premises, Basilio, had firmly convinced her that there was no other way for her to escape. She was born here and would stay here until her death.

In the first moments, the man thought that someone so young would be of no use to him. However, he quickly changed his mind, and his clients willingly spent time with younger ones. Bardales was paid much more for younger goods, thanks to which he got rich even faster. This fact pleased him the most. He was a man for whom money was the most important thing in his life. He didn't care about anything else. He was able to do anything for the right amount of money.

The women who worked there, on the other hand, had to stick to very strict rules that they obviously couldn't break. The priority was a slim, attractive figure. The girls were given only one, modest portion of food for the whole day and couldn't exceed these rations. They also had to remember about the right clothes, make-up and hairstyle.

Every woman in there was somehow saved by the head of the place. At least that's what Bardales himself thought, reminding them practically every day that he was the reason they were alive and that they couldn't make it in the world. The rules they had to follow were not accidental. They had to repay the debt for saving their lives.

One of the rules was that they couldn't fall in love, especially with clients. They couldn't leave here, they couldn't start families, or worst of all as the boss said, they couldn't have children. Basilio had already taken care of that, he didn't want any of his 'charges' to get pregnant like Narin's mother had once done. That's why now, each of the women had to go through a rather unpleasant procedure, after which they couldn't have children.

Each girl had her own room. Some welcomed their clients there, while others, including Narin, did the opposite. They received men in rooms of their own choosing and never invited them in. The room was their only place where they could rest for a while, forgetting about what they had to do. Their payouts depended on the clients they got and the mood of their boss.

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