*+。 CHAPTER 6。+*

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"Why 'sparrow'?" Narin asked, glancing at the brunet sitting next to her.


"Why does your mother call you 'gorrión'?" She explained, curious about the answer.

Arceon just smiled.

"She is calling me that since I was a kid." He said tenderly. "She rarely called me by my first name, and when she did, she used diminutives. "But she always called me her gorrión." He said with a tender smile. "Maybe I look like it, I don't know." He laughed softly, and his words caused a timid smile of the mulatto.

"So that's why you have a sparrow tattoo on your neck?" Woman guessed.

"Mm, that is exactly why." He replied with a slight blush.

Rubio had a small flying sparrow tattooed on the back of his neck. Narin now understood where the idea had come from.

Several days have passed since the last incident. The mulatto was allowed to visit Arcenio's house once a week, and apart from these days, it was he who came to her.

Their bond grew much stronger and they both learned how to talk openly with each other. They no longer hid what they felt, they boldly talked about what was bothering them.

Vazquez didn't have the courage to admit it to Arcenio, but she got used to his presence. When he left, she still thought about him and couldn't wait to see him again. Before, every day seemed the same to her. A grim, disgusting everyday life from which she wanted to escape as soon as possible. Now, slowly but surely, that was changing. Thanks to Arcenio's stories, the mulatto began to look at people a little differently. Previously, she had tried to figure them out, watching them silently and reacting when someone got under her skin. Now, she had learned to read their emotions, their desires. She didn't think she'd ever want to hear about it, but she found the information very useful and helpful.

As for her views on Rubio, that has changed as well. When she met him for the first time, she thought he was just a rich man who threw words around. Someone who only lies, manipulates to get what he want. However, the words of the young man from the very beginning turned out to be true. Everything he did, he did out of concern and a desire to help others. Narin had never met anyone with such a good and pure heart as he was. She knew she probably wouldn't be able to do something like that herself, but she admired Arcenio for what he did.

He gave the impression of needing protection, but the brunet was strong enough to manage on his own. He gained a lot not only thanks to his famous name, but also through his actions, words and lifestyle. People respected him and followed him willingly.

Narin also felt a great desire to follow him. She didn't want him to leave, and she didn't want to leave his side. Among all the people she had met so far, only with him did she feel that she was also human. She felt that there was someone who wanted to take care of her. She felt... loved.

Vazquez, without saying anything, continued to listen to the stories Arcenio told her. She focused on his facial expressions, warm voice, slightly disheveled hair. Man had a slightly plumper face, and when he smiled, dimples appeared on his cheeks, which for Narin once again seemed to be one of his charming sides. Even the smell of him was soothing. In his presence, she always smelled lemons mixed with fresh washing powder and a hint of cigarette smoke. Arcenio himself didn't smoke, but the people who worked for him, as well as workers from the House, liked to smoke, and the smell somehow carried over to him.

At that moment, the mulatto girl couldn't resist and before she could see what she was doing, she slowly reached her hand towards the face of the man who was telling the story and gently brushed a strand of his hair away from his forehead. When she realized what she had done, she froze, her hand still raised to his face. Arcenio, seeing her confusion, just smiled and took her hand in his. Vazquez, feeling his agreement, slowly touched his cheek with the same hand and gently brushed it with her fingers. Rubio still had his hand on hers, and feeling Narin's gesture, the brunet gently tilted his head towards her, closing his eyes for a second, in the same moment.

"I-is this okay...?" She whispered after a long moment.

"What is?" He replied gently.

Vazquez lost all confidence for a moment and felt herself blush. She was ashamed of it, so she moved away from Arcenio a little and lowered her head so as not to look him in the eye.

"I don't think I'm worthy of your attention, Arcenio..." She whispered, avoiding his gaze.

Rubio turned his head to the side, then slowly moved closer to her and grabbed her hand with one hand, while the other gently cupped her chin to make her look at him.

"You are worth much more." He whispered, looking carefully into her eyes. "And let no one dare change your mind." He smiled faintly, stroking her cheek.

Narin felt tears welling up in her eyes. She didn't like it because it made her feel humiliated and terribly weak. She had always believed that tears were just a sign of weakness and nothing more. When she couldn't control it, she felt that she was failing herself, and now she felt even more that she would fail Arcenio, who was becoming more important to her than anyone before.

"Now you're making me feel weak." She laughed and quickly wiped her tears, and her words made the brunet smile again.

"But you make me feel stronger, querida." He said, which caught her attention, then smiled. "I promise you one thing now." He nodded and took her hand again. "I will get you out of here, my dear." He said confidently, looking into her teary eyes. "You will never have to go through this hell again."

Narin smiled involuntarily, knowing that he wanted to fight for her.

"It's probably not possible." She replied sadly. "It's just a stupid dream."

"It is not stupid. And dreams are there to be fulfilled. If you can dream it, you can do it too." He said with a smile. "And I... I want to take you home. I want you to be safe."

Vazquez listened to him carefully and kept her eyes on him. She felt her heart speed up and hope rose for a moment.

"Safe..." She repeated thoughtfully. "Safe... with you?" She asked timidly.

Arcenio nodded.

"With me, querida." He said confidently. "I promise I will get you out of here." he repeated. "Do you believe me?"

Narin waited a moment, took a slow deep breath, trying to calm down. She was afraid of those words and afraid to say anything. The feeling that came over her frightened her all the more, because she couldn't completely understand it, much less control it. How was she supposed to control something she didn't understand at all? What should she do? How to behave? Doesn't she make a mistake? What good will it bring?

She had a lot of questions in her mind. She couldn't quite figure it out yet. But she knew one thing, she wanted to leave this place as soon as possible. If Arcenio is really able to help her, she'll do everything to accept this offer. She'll do anything to escape from here. She wants to grab a rescue board once again and get out of the depths in which she was drowning forever. She didn't want to fall back into darkness. If she has even the slightest chance of getting out of here, she'll do anything to do it.

"I do believe you." She replied after a long time.

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