*+。 CHAPTER 12。+*

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Specialists have already taken care of Eudora. Narin sat in a chair, waiting for any news about the patient's condition. When she got here, she immediately informed Bernardo, as well as Arcenio. The elder Torres couldn't calm down. He paced from place to place, still sighing heavily. Rubio sat upright next to the mulatto girl, his hands folded over his lace, which he used to support himself. He kept his eyes closed and silently asked God for help in his prayers. Vazquez, on the other hand, sat in great silence, her elbows on her knees, her face hidden in her hands. She was still thinking about the last conversation with the older Torres' wife.

When she couldn't take it anymore, the woman stood up, ran her hand through her hair and sighed heavily, while uncertainly glancing at Bernardo walking back and forth. The thought of saying something crossed her mind, but she lacked any ideas for comforting the man. So eventually she gave it up.

"Let him be." Brunet said, who noticed the concern of his beloved. But then he closed his eyes again and adjusted his grip on the stick. "I wanted to say something too, but in his current state, it is better to keep quiet for now."

Narin sighed again and glanced at the elder, who had sat down in a separate chair a few meters away from them. Bernardo ran a hand through his hair, then hid his face in his hands. He was all jittery, a mulatto girl had never seen him in such a state. She felt sorry for him. All the anger she had had before was now gone. She didn't approve of every one of his ways of caring, of helping, but she knew Torres meant well for her. She also knew that the situation he was in always gave him painful signs. His beloved was dying in front of his eyes, and he could do nothing to help her.

"Do you think..." She started looking at Rubio again but he interrupted her.

"The doctors will help her." He said with his eyes still closed. "And God will let him say goodbye to her yet." He added confidently, then opened his eyes and after a moment he also looked at Narin. "But I am afraid at the moment, there is nothing we can do to help either of them." He lowered his head sadly.

Vazquez silently cursed under her breath and then sat down nervously again next to Arcenio.

"Forgive me, querida." Brunet suddenly said, which caught her attention. "I have no right to tell you what to do and what not to do." He said in a gentle voice. "If it is your will... If you want to go this way, I will support you." He looked into her eyes. "You have my word." He smiled faintly.

Narin lowered her head and looked at her hands.

"Don't apologize." She replied after a while. "I was furious myself, not really understanding why. I understand you, but... For a moment, I felt as if someone wanted to lock me in a cage again." She admitted disgustedly. "Thank you for your concern..." She turned her head towards the brunet. "But even so, I haven't changed my mind. And if it ever did..."

"No matter what will happen, querida." ­Arcenio interjected. "It is important what is now." He met her gaze. "And now..." He took her hand gently. "I am glad you are here." He said honestly. "And I do not want to argue anymore."

Narin nodded, looking down at their joined hands. A moment later she put her hand on his and smiled at the brunet palely.

Their further conversation was interrupted by a doctor who left the room where Eudora was. Torres, seeing him, immediately ran to the specialist to find out the details of his wife's health.

"What about her?" He asked immediately, his voice trembling. He feared the worst.

"Her condition is stable now." The doctor announced, to which Bernardo breathed a sigh of relief. "But I'm sorry to say it, señor Torres..." He added after a while. "You know there's nothing we can do for her other than ease her final moments..."

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