*+。 CHAPTER 4。+*

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Eventually, Narin decided to take some risks and agreed to Arcenio's proposal. Today was the first time she was going to leave the House.

In the evening, the young woman was ready for this journey. On her way down to the lobby, she met the receptionist, Carmen Alonso. She has been working there practically since the beginning of the establishment of this place and as if that wasn't enough, Carmen has been friends with Narin's boss since she was a child. With Basilio Bardales.

But Vazquez couldn't understand it. Carmen was the nicest person working there. She didn't fit into that world at all, so why did she stick with it when she had so many options?

Once a mulatto asked her about it and it turned out that her first guesses were right. From an early age, Carmen had great feelings for Basilio, which he didn't necessarily know about. Narin didn't understand what the woman saw in him. To her, he was just a soulless monster, hungry for power. Alonso, however, thought otherwise. She always admired him and spoke fondly of him. And when he appeared at her side, she immediately blushed and looked at him with great tenderness. The mulatto doubted that Basilio reciprocated the feelings of his old friend. The boss was quite cold with her, although there were occasional exceptions.

"Now you can finally have some freedom, huh?" Alonso smiled at the thoughtful Narin.

The black-haired girl just rolled her eyes and approached her, to the reception desk.

"What kind of freedom is that if I have to come back here anyway?" She snorted.

"Better this than nothing." She replied with a slightly sadder expression. "Have fun." She clapped, but seeing her companion's gaze, she immediately became serious. "I'm sorry..."

"You're in a too good mood." The mulatto said.

"I'm always in a good mood, Narin." Carmen laughed. "Unlike you."

"Tch." She shook her head. "Because you're so cheerful, I've never been able to figure you out." She said a bit nervous. "I don't like such optimistic and joyful people."

Alonso just laughed at her words and put the documents in front of her back in their places.

"At least I'm not boring. I guess..." She sighed sadly. "You think I'm boring, Narin?" She looked at her friend.

"Why suddenly such a question?"

Carmen shrugged, the smile fading from her face.

"Don't be sad, because it doesn't suit you." Vazquez interjected and leaned her elbows on the counter. "You're not boring, you're just too cheerful." She said, frowning. "If that bastard Bardales talks about you differently, that's just further confirmation that he's absolutely not worthy of your attention."

Alonso involuntarily smiled, hearing cold words of comfort from the mulatto.

"You know you're talking about your boss, aren't you?"

"You know I don't care, do you?" Vazquez replied and sighed heavily.

Their further conversation was interrupted by a man who announced that he had come for Narin.

"Where's Arcenio?" She asked confused.

"Señor Rubio Jiménez had some business to take care of, which will make him a few minutes late, but he told me to take the señorita to the place." The man explained. "Follow me, please." He pointed towards the car, so the mulatto girl tentatively moved in that direction, but stopped when Bardales stood in her way.

"May you not cause me any trouble." He said, giving her a stern look.

Vazquez answered him the same.

"Don't worry, señor. It's not that time yet."

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