*+。 CHAPTER 11。+*

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Since then, Narin has been trained by Bernardo Torres himself. The elder had taught her all the basics of self-defense, and then the use of weapons. After completing this stage of training, they moved on to the next, more advanced, demanding more than it might seem. Bernardo thought, or rather even hoped, that the mulatto wouldn't want to reach for more knowledge, that the basics would be enough for her, but he was wrong. Narin wanted to know more and more. The elder hoped that she would finally let go, but unfortunately for him, it didn't happen at all.

"She is good." Arcenio said, sitting down next to Torres, who was watching Narin's training.

"Too good." He sighed, catching his friend's attention.

"Is that bad?" He asked in surprise.

"Bad, Arcenio. Really bad." He looked seriously at his companion, who was worried by the elder's reaction.

"Why? What is it about?" He asked with concern.

Bernardo sighed heavily and thoughtfully looked again at Vazquez defeating more opponents with whom she faced in training.

"Why you did not want to agreed to train her, Bernardo?" Rubio asked.

"You see, Arcenio." He said. "I'm old, I've seen a lot in my life, and I've been working in this profession practically all my life. I've seen how this job changes people, how it consumes them. I've seen what it can do to a person." He spoke as if in a trance, and then looked again at his friend, who was listening to his words. "Listen." He sighed heavily. "I can see through a person. See what a persson can do, how much strength has and what can do."

"Narin is strong." Brunet said still a bit confused.

"Yes, she's strong." He nodded. "But the knowledge she gets can destroy her."

"What do you mean?" He interjected immediately, worried by these words.

"Look at her." Torres nodded. "She likes it, see? Fighting, guns, taking it out in training and on these people. Do you think once she reaches for the gun she'll be able to control herself?" He glanced at his friend. "No, she won't." He said, meeting his gaze. "Perhaps she doesn't know it yet and doesn't see herself the way I see her." He shook his head. "I love Narin, you know that. She's like a daughter to me, even though we tease each other a lot, I really care about her. But even that doesn't change the fact that what I see in her sometimes scares me." He said sincerely. "I'm afraid that with the knowledge I've given her, I'll awaken a monster in her that she won't be able to control."

"No, Bernardo." Rubio interjected. "Narin is strong, that is a fact. But I do not think..." He glanced at the mulatto. "No, she would not fall into it." He looked at his friend.

"You believe in that?"

"I believe in her." Arcenio said confidently. "She was lost, but now she has found her way. Maybe I do not like what she is trained to do with fighting, but if she really wants to be an assassin... I will not stop her."

"You should stop her, Arcenio." Torres interjected in a serious voice. "Really." He looked at him meaningfully. "She'd listen to you sooner than me." He sighed. "I'm glad she's learning fast and otherwise I'd be happy that she finds joy in it, but now... No, I can't say that because I'm afraid of what will happen." He shook his head. "I almost lost myself in it once... I don't want Narin to lose that part of herself."

"I think Narin has already lost enough." Rubio said. "Let's give it time."

"Hope it won't be too late." Torres glanced at the young man. "I think you should talk to her." He nodded to Vazquez. "As soon as possible."


Like every Sunday, Arcenio went to church, and from the time Narin asked him about it, the mulatto girl began to accompany him. She didn't think that she would be convinced, but eventually she changed her mind and it surprised her in a very positive way. Thanks to the brunet's stories and her own new experiences, Vazquez could definitely say that she also found the solace she needed there. She was glad to know it and experience all these new sensations.

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