*+。 CHAPTER 10。+*

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In the morning hours, Narin woke up first. The mulatto turned a bit to the side and looked at the still sleeping Arcenio, which involuntarily made her smile.

She felt so calm and safe with him. She didn't want it to disappear one day, she wanted everything bad to finally be gone, and the good moments to last as long as possible.

But unfortunately we can't have everything...

"Buenos dias, señor (good morning)" She said with a smile when she saw that the brunet was waking up.

"Buenos dias, señorita." He answered the same. "Have you been up long?"

"No, I just woke up." She replied, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. "I thought about something."

"Hm? About what?" He turned more towards her and, like her, rested his head on his hands, looking at his beloved.

"Such a calm life... maybe it's not bad after all." She said in a half-whisper and looked at Rubio, who was listening to her words. "Right?"

The man smiled warmly and stroked her cheek.

"That is right, querida." He replied. "Though you would probably get bored of one job pretty quickly." He chuckled softly which she reciprocated.

"Probably." She admitted amused. "But it's always worth a try." She looked at him again. "Isn't it?" She smiled and brought her face close to his. The brunet only nodded in response. "Gracias, Arcenio." She whispered to him, and soon connected their lips in a tender kiss.


After a few days spent together by the sea, it's time to go home. And there, the best news wasn't waiting for them.

Just outside the Rubio villa stood Bernardo with men armed with all kinds of weapons. Everyone was ready.

"What is going on?" Brunet asked and approached the elder. "Looks like it is going to be a little war."

"Which we'll probably have sooner or later." Torres sighed.

"Who are these people?" Narin asked, glancing at the men in black scattered around the square in front of the building and inside.

"Bernardo's people." Rubio said.

"I decided to give extra protection here as well." The elder interjected. "I have a bad feeling, and my hunch never fail me." He said with a hint of sadness. "Anyway..." He looked at the young man. "Listen to me and keep these people with you. And whatever happens, be careful. And of course, keep your weapons at the ready."

"Yes, I remember that."

"Are Basilio's men planning something?" The woman said in a bit annoyed. "It's about him, isn't it?" She folded her arms over her chest.

Arcenio and Bernardo exchanged glances.

"Yeah, something like that. Could say so." Torres replied Torres. "We'll talk later. I have work to do." He patted his friend on the shoulder.

Narin sighed heavily and then looked meaningfully at the brunet.

"Am I missing something? Bernardo can be very busy. I feel like I don't know the whole truth about him yet, huh?" She asked, to which the boy smiled.

"I will tell you everything, querida. But first, come." He led her inside the house.

"Arcenio!" The boy called and hugged the brunet.

"You missed me, hm?" He rubbed the little boy's head.

"Of course!" He said and then without a word ran to miss Vazquez and hugged her tightly, which totally surprised the mulatto.

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