*+。 CHAPTER 13。+*

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There was nothing that could be done to save Eudora. The woman died, she was strangled by a man sent by Bardales. Basilio was looking for revenge, he acted faster than expected.

Bernardo was kneeling over his beloved's grave when Narin approached him from behind. She had her hands in the pockets of her black jeans. The woman sighed softly, remembering Eudora's words.

"When I die... Remind him that I existed too... "

"Come." She said to the broken one. "Let's go home... Berni." She added, placing her hand on the elder's shoulder.

Torres, hearing her words, opened his eyes wider, then he couldn't hold back any more and started crying loudly. The man turned slightly towards Narin, leaned against her gently. Still kneeling, he wrapped his arms around her waist and hugged her mulatto, letting his emotions explode.

"If you ever cared about Berni, if you ever thought of him as... family... Please do this for me."

Vazquez didn't protest. She allowed him to hug her and stroked his head soothingly while Torres gave vent to his emotions. Arcenio stood two meters away, watching the scene in silence. A gentle smile crept onto his face at the sight of a tender but painful scene.

Narin perfectly remembered the words of Bernardo's late wife. But after all, what she did, she didn't just do for Eudora. She only did it for herself and for the fact that those words were true. She cared about the older Torres. Bernardo was family to Narin, of that she was sure. The same also applied to beloved Arcenio.


The later time, however, was no better. It only got worse.

Basilio swore revenge and acted without regard to any consequences. He paid no attention to the massacres he caused. He did what he wanted, what he thought was right. He wanted revenge at all costs and did everything to get it.

He started by murdering Eudora, all because she was married to Bernardo, who was helping Rubio. Then, he attacked another place. Arcenio's house.

Bardales' men attacked and spared no one. They killed the bodyguards, servants, and when they got inside, they destroyed everything that stood in their way.

"You can't do that!" Aitana called, holding pans for defense in her trembling hand. "This is señor Rubio Jiménez's house! You have no right!"

"We have every right." The commander replied. He was the boss of the men sent by Basilio. "Your master messed with a very bad man." He laughed. "Now he'll pay for his actions." He slowly approached the terrified woman. "Where is he, huh?"

"Go to hell." She snorted and spat in his face. "I will never betray my master! Señor will get you, and then you will pay..." She didn't finish, because after a moment the attacker shot her a bullet in the head and the maid fell limply to the ground.

Seconds later, the loud cries of a child were heard.

"No! You killed Aitana!" The boy cried, but when he met the enemy's gaze, he slowly backed away, wanting to escape. "Artie, run!" He called to the four-legged pet.

The dog wanted to stop the attacker and began to pull him by the legs to pull him away from his master. But when Artie heard Calixto calling him, he rushed towards him and ran right next to him. He wanted to protect the boy, but he couldn't do anything else because the second bandit, standing in front of the property's exit, blocked their way. He shot the quadruped in front of the distraught child. The pet's blood splashed on the boy's face, but before he could do anything, the leader of the gang had already left the house, to the square where the last living inhabitant was. Ignoring the child's desperate cries for murdering his friend, the man took aim at Calixto and pulled the trigger, hitting the child in the back. The boy fell to the ground, then lifted his head with the last of his strength to look at the body of the dog lying in front of him.

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