*+。 CHAPTER 1。+*

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*half a year later*

It was as Arcenio had promised. Since their first meeting, Narin didn't have to worry so much about the older Vela who still had a eyes on her.

Rubio knew about his opponent's plans, so whenever he wanted to get to Narin, the young man gave the head of the brothel more money to spend time with Miss Vazquez. He had helped her not only with the old man, but with several others as well. Arcenio did everything to help the mulatto as best as possible. He saw her condition and from day to day he understood more and more her behavior, attitude towards people, and even her way of speaking and thoughts, which she didn't always express openly. Brunet learned to read it like an open book.

From the moment he saw her for the first time, he felt a certain connection and knew that he had to do everything to help the young girl.

Arcenio was a man of great heart. He never indifferently passed by someone who needed help. He was always willing to help those in need.

The sight of such a young woman in such a place honestly broke his heart. He brought great disgust and contempt for the bosses of the place. There are people who like to work there, but there are also many people who want to get away. Narin was one of them.

Vazquez was like a child who had to grow up too fast. She wasn't allowed to know the taste of a real, normal and happy childhood. The woman was immediately thrown into dirty, deep water. However, even though it often seemed that she was out of breath and was beginning to drown, the mulatto in the last moments grabbed the last resort. She stayed above the surface of the water that was absorbing her so much. Many times she wanted to just let go, let the water take her, but in the end, she didn't. As much as she hated her life, she wanted to see what lay ahead. She wanted to see her take revenge on the people who had hurt her so much. She wanted to see if there was anything good waiting for her. She just wanted a taste of real life.

Arcenio saw it and understood it. He himself, from a young age, was thrown into deep water too.

The young man didn't have a good relationship with his father, and when their relationship finally began to improve after a long time, his parent died. He passed away suddenly in a dream from which he never awoke. Arcenio was very young at the time, but he understood the situation and knew that he had to be strong and take care of himself, his family and those who depended on him. The lessons he learned from an early age came in handy on a day when he needed to know how to fend for himself.

Even so, Arecnio knew one thing. At least he had parents he could meet who raised him, loved him. He had the support of family friends, and Narin had none of that.

She never met her mother or father. She grew up in a place she called hell and had no love from any side.

How can a person brought up like this feel? How can you live like this? Is it possible at all?

Rubio admired his new companion. She was a year younger than him. He saw in her a strong woman, which she became only thanks to her stubbornness and will to fight. She's been through so many terrible things, and yet she's still on this earth. She didn't give up even though it was hard.

"I'm beginning to doubt you're still reading this book." Narin's voice snapped the brunet out of his thoughts.

Her words brought a smile to his face.

"Why do you think so?" He asked, chuckling.

"Because you've been staring at me for about two minutes." She snorted, placing her hand on her hip. "What are you reading anyway?" She walked closer to him, grabbed the book and lifted it up to look at the cover.

I Can See Your Tears (ENG)Where stories live. Discover now