*+。 CHAPTER 9。+*

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"Hermanos?" Narin read the name of the restaurant they were now standing in front of. "What is this place?" She asked the brunet standing next to her.

"My mother's restaurant." He said, looking at the girl. "It belongs to me now, but my father made it for her. They worked there together, and mom loved the place and loved to cook, so father gave it to her. However, after his death and the development of my mother's disease... everything passed to me. Including one of my father's companies." He sighed heavily, then led the mulatto inside.

There were crowds of people inside. Customers chatted cheerfully, tasted dishes, and waiters and cooks had their hands full. But when they saw their boss, they showed him due respect and greeted him kindly.

Arcenio led the woman to an empty table and ordered a dish.

"How did you deal with all this alone?" She asked as the waitress went to get her meal.

"Well, it was not easy." He admitted. " You know, since I was a child, my father took great care of my education, but it did npt help much when I was left alone so early. However, I had Bernardo. " He smiled warmly. "He helped me and still does." He nodded. "If it was not for him, I probably would have collapsed. Although I tried to cope on my own... there were times when... I just had enough. I've often wondered what the point of that is."

"And what conclusion did you come to?" She asked, resting her elbows on the counter.

"That my father would give me a mighty punch even in afterlife if he saw me if I gave up completely." He said as she chuckled softly.

"So you were afraid of his punishment?" She asked amused.

"Yes, you could say." He nodded his head, not hiding a smile. "I will not let you give up either." He said, looking into her eyes.

Before Narin could reply, the waitress served them their dishes and quickly returned to her work. Vazquez stared at the warm food for a moment, then felt a great sense of disgust.

"You know, thank you, but..." She pushed her plate away a bit. "I don't feel like heating."

"It is my mother's favorite dish. Chili con carne." He said, taking his first bite. "Narin, my dear." He smiled at her. "You do not have to watch that diet anymore. Slowly, calmly, you can return to normal eating."

"Yes but..."

"Try just a little." He smiled kindly at her and brought the plate over to her.

The mulatto girl glanced at him, then at the food. After a long moment, she hesitantly reached for the spoon and slowly took a bite of the food into her mouth. She slowly chewed her food, then washed it down with water.

"And?" He asked, looking at her carefully.

"Spicy." She replied, setting her glass down. "But delicious." She added and smiled back.

"I am glad." He replied in the same way and continued his meal.

"May I ask you something?" She said again, still looking at him.

"Mm, go ahead." He nodded.

Vazquez waited a moment then took a deep breath and said what was on her mind.

"I spoke to Calixto today." She began hesitantly.

"I am glad you two are getting along." He said sincerely, which made her smile.

"He told me that... are you a believer?" She asked curiously, and her words surprised him a bit, but the brunet nodded anyway. "How is it?" She asked still uncertainly. "Will you tell me?"

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