*+。 CHAPTER 8。+*

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During this time, Narin lived in Arcenio's house. The brunet's employees were extremely gentle with her, which drove her crazy more than once. She guessed that this was their way of showing concern, but she didn't feel comfortable with it. Therefore, many times she asked them to stop behaving like this and treat her normally. But what did that even mean?

Vazquez felt lost. On the one hand, she was glad that she didn't have to go back to that House again, but on the other, she didn't know what to do. She didn't know life outside the brothel, she couldn't find any other occupation. Every day she walked around quite depressed, drifting far away in her mind, trying to find answers to the questions that bothered her.

"Narin?" The boy said who talk to the young woman every day, accompany her and try to make her laugh. The boy, for some reason unknown to her, liked her very much. She didn't mind Calixto's company, but the girl couldn't enjoy it either. "You've flown off somewhere in your mind again." He shook his head in disbelief.

"Why did you accept my presence so easily?" She asked, looking at him.

Alegria was surprised by the question, but it didn't take him long to find the answer.

"Because we have to help others, we can't close ourself in ourself, or close to other people. Besides, we're friends, aren't we?" He smiled as he petted his dog.

"Friends... " The mulatto repeated in a whisper.

"Arcenio always told me that when we show kindness to someone, it'll come back to us in time. Even with double strength." He said smiling. "And friends are like family, blood ties doesn't matter."

"You really admire Arcenio, don't you?" She asked.

"Mm!" He nodded his head, not hiding a smile.

"How did you even meet?" She asked curiously.

"Um, well..." He thought for a moment. "We first met on the street and I spilled the stew I was carrying for Artie on him." He laughed. "I've never had a home." He became more serious now. "My parents and I just lived on the street. More than once we wandered around cities asking for a slice of bread ... We had no roof over our heads, and the rain and cold were the worst." He said then sighed. "And then my parents died and I was left alone. Well, maybe not entirely alone. Artie was with me. Right, Artie?" He stroked the dog, which barked happily. "Actually, I've had two dogs at the time. Artie and his dad, Junior. " He was much sadder. ""After my parents died, I didn't know what to do or where to go."

"And what happened to... "

"He died." He said, guessing the question. "In one of the streets we were attacked by stray dogs. I was running and Artie and Junior were defending me. Artie's dad stayed to protect us... and he did, but he himself... unfortunately didn't survive. There were more dogs and he was alone." He sighed heavily and quickly wiped his face with his hand to hide his tears. "Soon after that, I came across Arcenio again. He offered me help, protection... a home." He smiled sadly. "I didn't understand why he wanted to help me, but from how much I've gotten to know him, he just does that all the time." He laughed softly. "I told him then... I told him that if he wanted to take me, he had to take Artie too. I wouldn't go anywhere without him."

Narin involuntarily smiled hearing these words.

"And what did Arcenio say?"

"He laughed but agreed immediately." Calixto replied. "So here I am. Together with Artie." He hugged his dog. "He took care of you too. Arcenio." He looked at the mulatto. "He cares a lot about you." He said smiling.

Vazquez just shook her head.

"Sometimes I wonder what he ever saw in me." She lowered her head and sighed heavily.

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