Soonhoon 1

487 22 2

"And now I am the one saying I can't write it! You believed me then and you have to believe me now too!"

The one from the other side of the call shouted back with the same intensity, "You should have thought about it before going, 'Oh, makeout scenes are nothing' in front of whole dining table when you already knew they were looking forward to the exact same thing you are trapped inside right now!"

The writer couldn't help but masssage his temples, not exactly sure what to feel at the moment. Though he felt frustrated, annoyed and other fifty shade of grief he could muster in his mind, the writer on the other hand knew he brought it to himself.

He then again spoke, trying to calm the man on the other side when he was the one panicking the most, "I know I did wrong but it was just a heat of the moment. They said I cannot write anything beside typical sci- fi where there is no hint of romance-"

The one from the other side interupted, "And the way you act like Lee Jihoon, it doesn't seem wrong to me in any way. Why did you even said that you can write a makeout scene? It was so obvious they were teasing you and yet-"

The response to the question could only come in muffled voice from another side, "I wanted to prove that I am a versatile writer, but looks like I really do suck when it comes to romance."

A small sigh could be heard from other side, "Look Jihoon, you are a great writer, that too successful, rich with good amount of fan following from behind. Let me remind you, the table you sat on yesterday's company dinner had almost three fourth of people feeling jealous towards you. You had to know they'd do something to drag you down, to make you feel embarrassed about and yet again, you did a stupidity! And the only solution to it is writing a makeout scene and throwing it on their faces!"

Jihoon knew what it meant but he couldn't accept it just yet. No matter what he did to write the scene, it didn't unfolded as he wanted to. He regreted everything, the company dinner, him sitting along with others, letting himself sway into their insult of him being sucky at romance and proudly telling everyone that it was just a piece of cake for him when right now it looked as if he took it overboard.

He should have taken that insults like they were nothing. Atleast he didn't have to suffer as he was doing at the moment. If there was someone to blame, it was the alcohol settled down in his body back at dinner table but right now when he is sobar, he could see his future, dark yet clear.

He was sure the embarrassment he was going to get on the Saturday he was supposed to hand the story, would be thousand time stronger than the one he faced at the dinner table.

He hated it, he hated everything already.

But the other person on the phone was still persistent, "Jihoon, listen to me, I believe you can do this. Though this is not the genre you are comfortable in, you are still best from most of them. Just use your brain and pour it on paper like you do everyday. It's easy, believe me!"

Jihoon snorted, a little too sarcastic in other's opinion, "And you think I didn't do that when I am at the last stage of panicking?"

The older could only shake his head in disappointment from other side, pretending as if the younger was there to see him make a face that screamed 'loser' to him, "How many drafts Jihoon?"

"Fucking 57 draft you asshole! I wrote it about fifty seven times but guess what, none of them satisfied me. They were right, it's sure is difficult to write something as this when you have no experience."

The older was amused, more like bewildered at the comment, "What do you mean by experience you dickhead. The 'fi' in the 'sci-fi' you write stands for fiction for a reason. And now that I think about it, does your all murder mystery are a part of your experience? Don't tell me you kill people just to write a story on them afterwards."

Jihoon laughed, his voice this time was leased in sarcasm, "Don't make me come across this phone, grab your hair and smack the pretty face your boyfriend dies for on nearby wall."

But the older on other side was unhinged, "See, not all scenes need experience you idiot. You are a writer for a reason! Imagination is your power, the way you think makes you different from others. And I personally want you to write the scene as you already have promised it. Don't make me feel embarrassed since not only you but I also have flaunted that I am the editor of the best writer in the company."

Jihoon could feel his blood boiling, sure enough the older was none better than him, "You do have different ways to make me speechless Seungcheol."

The latter giggled, almost like he wasn't cursing him out a moment ago, "Today is Thursday, you have a day ahead, braise yourself my boy and do your best, I don't care about how you gonna do it, just do it for the sake of our sanity."

The younger's brows frowned at the comment, "Do not beat around the bush Choi."

The older sighed, feeling a little too annoyed to talk it out loud, "You need experience right? Grab it then. Go get an experience, come back and write it down. And please, get a decent face to do so since your experience have my reputation to protect."

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