soonhoon 2

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After lots of fighting, bickering and tantrums, here Jihoon was, in a bar, sipping on his beer and looking around as if he was desperately waiting for someone.

Well, he was waiting for someone, but who, he himself doesn't know it. All he did hope all these while was a decent face, as Seungcheol had told him a decent face was important for his reputation, and a good experience while he himself wasn't sure what he should be feeling at the moment.

He looked at the man in front, Choi Seungcheol, drinking his beer as if it was water and he was thirsty for decades, "Calm down, will you?"

Seungcheol shook his head, looking at his bestfriend in disbelief, "You have really high standards Jihoon, when I said a decent face, I didn't mean for you to classify every person that approaches you in categories of, 'No', 'maybe' and 'definitely'."

Jihoon glared at the older sitting in front, "Says the one who has a boyfriend people would die for."

Seungcheol laughed, it was an understatement to say he was proud, "I see. Why didn't you die then?"

Jihoon looked back, "Because he is not my 'definitely' you see. Beside I know him and the plastic knives he keeps for his emotional support is creepy."

Seungcheol laughed again, feeling the proudness creeping from his heart to every little significant insignificant part of his body. Jeonghan was weird so was Seungcheol who was always known for his weird taste. they definitely fit together like a puzzle.

Seungcheol then looked back at younger who was now sitting in front, sipping on his drink and silently side eyeing at everyone who went pass through him.  At this point Seungcheol knew if he didn't help him, his reputation will be crunched like a dry leaf under summer's hot wave.

Seungcheol, "How about I point out every person who had once or twice checked you out and you rate them if they are decent looking, or probably your type or not?"

After giving the statement thought for a moment, Jihoon nodded, "That'd be a big help."

Seungcheol looked around, not even minding to pretend that he wasn't searching for someone, and it didn't took him much time before tapping on the table, making Jihoon look at him, "That girl on the right corner, blue dress, what do you say about her?"

Jihoon slowly looked back at the direction he was being pointed all these while, sure the girl was checking him out, almost shamelessly. The moment she realised Jihoon was looking at her direction, she gave him a wink and shifted in a manner Jihoon could identify as a way of flirting.

She was good looking, but the decent looking Jihoon was finding was definitely not her. It wasn't because of her looks or her dress that made Jihoon have the idea, it was the way her eyes would linger at every man passing from her sight that gave Jihoon a weird feeling.

He looked back at the older, "Not her."

The older didn't ask why, knowing well if Jihoon is saying 'no', there must be something more than looks.

He then turn again, finding a boy this time, eyes lingering on Jihoon in somewhat flirtatious manner, "That one in the left corner? The back pant, grey shirt?"

Jihoon looked at the person pointed out again, his eyes lingering from top to bottom before going back on Seungcheol, "Looks like a creep to me honestly."

Seungcheol nodded, understanding what the younger means. Jihoon's concent was more important for him than the makeout scene anyway. The older then turned again, "That black jacket guy? He is good looking honestly."

Jihoon spat out the beer he was drinking before coughing and looking at older, "Why is it so easy for you to find people whoever is checking me out?"

Seungcheol laughed, handing the younger a tissue as he continued, "It's fucking easy Jihoon. It's you, people have always lingered around you everywhere you went. And it's also just you who never noticed it."

Though Jihoon was taken aback from the brand new information, he thought it was not worth to linger on at the moment.

He immediately turned his body back, finding the guy Seungcheol was pointing all along only to meet with no one who resembled that black jacket guy.

Jihoon then turned his body ahead, "Who are you even talking about?"

Seungcheol though was all ready to point out the guy, at that moment, he was unable to recognise the face he liked a moments ago. His brows frowned but immediately relaxed back the moment he found him again, "That's him!"

When Jihoon finally caught the sight of the black jacket guy Seungcheol was calling decent all these time, he couldn't help but stare at the taller at the moment.

He was tall, ofcourse everyone taller than Jihoon was once or twice made Jihoon envious of them. Beside being the difference in the height, the other was not even that tall that Jihoon have to turn his head up as if he was looking at giraffe.

And above all, he was good looking. Small eyes, puffed cheeks, prominent jaw and most of all, the way he smiled after sniffing his drink and his eyes atomatically disappeared, making his cheeks a little too prominent to ignore, Jihoon could say he can be his 'definitely'.

Seungcheol was still staring at the man, a smile creeping on his face when he got what those stares meant. He still wanted to confirm if he was wrong or not, "What do you say?"

Jihoon looked back, a small smile on his face as he continued, "He is cute."

The older's fist landed on the table creating a loud thud but making the sound ignorant in front of blasting club music, "I knew it! My choices are never wrong! Jeonghan would be so proud of me."

Jihoon could only laugh at the statement, "Ofcourse he would be. Even if you murder someone someday, he would be proud of it too."

The older nodded at the statement as if he knew his boyfriend would help him no matter what the situation was. Jihoon on the other hand couldn't deny it either. It was Jeonghan anyway, the boy not to be messed up with and even if Seungcheol murder someone up, which maybe him considering his bad lucks now and then, Jeonghan will gladly hide the body without any question. He was definitely a devil in angel's form.

Seungcheol then stood up, grabbing his jacket as he said, "Have fun Jihoon. Your mate of tonight is finally here."

Jihoon could only nod at the comment, and the next moment when Seungcheol finally was out for his way, he looked back at younger, "And I should remind you, it's just a makeout. Make sure to not get laid considering it could be bad for your reputation if somebody caught you for real."

Jihoon snorted at the comment, "That's not in my plan anyway beside, if I really wanted to get laid, it's not like company had ever revealed my face to be so easily recognisable."

Seungcheol could only shake his head at the statement, "That's why I am telling you, makeout can be forgotten within a week or two but if you plan to do other deeds and our company ever thought about revealing their writers faces, you'll be doomed."

Jihoon could only sigh at the comment, "Okay, got it!"

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