Soonhoon 6

240 14 60

"That's a fucking lie! Don't try to manipulate me!!"

"Go ask your boyfriend. Screaming in front of my face wouldn't change the fact, you slouchy old man."

Seungcheol threw a cushion right on Jihoon's face, "First thing, You are in my working place and you are the one who should leave, second, i know my boyfriend and his likings, and third, what the fuck are you even doing here? It's not even Saturday!"

Jihoon nonchalantly removed the soft cushion which was targeted on his face a moment ago as he stared at the older, amused, "The last time you threw your pillow on me, if i clearly remember, i dodged it. But this time I can't say whether you got better in aiming or my reflexes are dieing."

Seungcheol sighed, getting up from his seat and making his way towards the couch Jihoon was currently sitting at, eating the packet of chips he bought from his way.

The older aggresivly grabbed the packet, fishing out a good chunks and eating it right in front of the writer, obviously in a way to tease him.

"That's the most childish act you ever pulled out Choi Seungcheol."

Though the words were rather calm, the actions were totally opposite. Jihoon himself stood up, trying to grab a packet which was now currently hanging in the air.

He glared at his best friend, threatening him eventually, "If I kill you here, no one will know how you died."

Seungcheol laughed, standing on the couch this time while preventing the younger to get on the same place as him, "People like you are the reason I prefer cameras in my working place."

Jihoon sighed deeply, the glaring intensifying with each passing second, "Give me that back or consequences will be harsh!"

Seungcheol was still in denial, shaking his head as he joggled up on couch, almost dancing in the way a five year old does after getting a few extra dollars than his younger siblings.

Everything was good until Jihoon tightened his fist, punching the older in the stomach, making him groan in pain while the packet fell down from his hand seamlessly, landing directly in between writer's fingers while the editor held onto his stomach, whimpering, "You are....a bad human Lee!"

The younger could only laugh at the statement, a devilish laugh before pushing few chips inside Seungcheol's mouth, whispering in his ears when Seungcheol finally managed to feel a little better, "That's a bribery. Don't tell Jeonghan Hyung that I punched his boyfriend."

It was a pure mockery, and the fact that Jihoon's tone held no guilt was blood boiling for Seungcheol. He immediately grabbed the younger by his arms, headlocking him while the chips fell down on the ground this time.

Jihoon tapped on Seungcheol's arms aggressively, cursing him out, "That's attempt to murder fucker! The cameras here are evidence."

"You just watch how I change this attempt to murder as full fledged execution! As long as I get to see your funeral, i am even ready to go to prison for that!"

"That's will be useless, You'll be in jail by then!"

"I'll request government to let me attend it. And I'll make sure to bury this packet of chips with you! Keep eating it after you die."

Jihoon struggle again, "I am your best friend!"

Seungcheol laughed loudly, "That why I am telling you, you better be ghostie than bestie."

"I low key expected you two to be here." Jeonghan bust opened the door, not even a slightly fazed by the fact that Seungcheol's arm right now were wrapped around Jihoon's neck while the smaller was in his way to bite it as his way of defence.

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