Soonhoon 21

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"I am keeping the phone on speaker." Jihoon announced, kneeling down in front of Soonyoung who didn't even bother to look back after stealing a glance of him.

His father spoke worriedly, "Soonie..."

The younger cried more while listening to his voice, almost as if he was having a mental breakdown. Strangely enough, he did not answer to anyone, neither to his father and nor to Jihoon.

When his father was finally tired from holding a conversation from one side, he eventually gave up. Jihoon though tried to console Soonyoung while keeping his hand on older's shoulders, to his surprise, Soonyoung immediately jerked his hands off, catching him off guard.

Shocked, Jihoon's eyes then met with his Jeonghan Hyung, the one who had his hands firmly on Soonyoung's shoulders, probably to refrain him from falling down while his own manager was leaning all in to Seungcheol's touch.

It was just him he refused to have around.

The writer was embarrassed, and at that point, indecent to say but he indeed felt a slight jealousy towards his own hyungs. He shouldn't have felt that, he was no one to feel that but  it was fact that Soonyoung didn't wanted him around while everyone beside him had that privilege.

Everyone but him.

"I think we should go back." Seungcheol advised while everyone nodded at the statement, even Soonyoung's father spoke from other side, "You guys should not trouble yourself too much, I am already on my way. I'll take him back."

Even before anyone of them could understand what was happening, Jihoon immediately protested, "We can take care of him uncle, you should not worry about it. He is just drunk."

The both olders looked at the way Jihoon was determined to take him back by himself even though the moment he tried to do so, his hands were jerked off again.

Seungcheol replied, almost muttering, "It will be better for uncle to take him back. I don't think....he would even like having you around himself at this moment."

It was true, so true that Jihoon's heart whithered in realisation. Why was Soonyoung even doing that to him? Where did he went wrong? He wasn't reluctant to Jeonghan and Seungcheol, then why does it bother him so much when it comes to Jihoon touching him?

Jihoon pretended it wasn't his main concern at this point, "Uncle can't. His drive to here is like twenty five minutes from his house and it's almost midnight, it's dangerous driving at his hour while having a drunk man in your car."

"It's more dengerous having Soonyoung in your apartment if you don't know about his drunken habits. He literally acts like a child Jihoon, he is clingy, he crys, blabbers and is extremely honest, when I say extremely, i mean he is honest to the point that even his sobar self will be scared of him. I doubt you'll even be able to handle him." His father warned Jihoon while the writer only shook his head, determined, "It won't be a big deal uncle, my apartment is just five minutes from here anyway."

His father sighed, taking a deep breath and releasing it soon after, "Whatever suits you, just don't forget to tell me when you both finally reach there. What was he crying for by the way?"

It might not be the first time Soonyoung's dad had witnessed his son crying this bad because of a drink, still he got some key points to remember about Soonyoung's habit. One of them was the fact that Soonyoung doesn't cry if there is no reason and the only reason his father could muster up right now was no one other than Jihoon.

It must be Jihoon but still he decided to ask them to confirm, "Something odd happened?...with you all?"

When none of the replied so Jeonghan had to take the matter in his hands, "It might be because he is drunk."

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