soonhoon 17

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"He wouldn't tell you." The taller chirped up while sitting beside him, looking first at him and then at his father, grinning as he spoke, "He is Woozi dad! My favourite author!"

Jihoon didn't knew if he has mistaken it or not but he saw a sudden spark in his father's eyes when he finally realised who he was. He looked back at his son, raising his brows to confirm the statement and his son replied with an enthusiastic nod, finally feeling the proudness creeping throughout his body when he showed his writer to his father, something he wanted to do from way before.

His father smiled for the first time in a while, genuinely, "Nice to meet you Woozi. I am his father."

Jihoon gladly accepted the streched hand towards his side, shaking it slightly before retreating back. He thought to be introduced to a business man, as someone who had it's own empire standing like thousands feets away from Jihoon's multi storey building, but the man in front introduced himself as his father, a gesture Jihoon knew what meant. The atmosphere fell silent again but this time his father had a smile on his face, atleast big enough for Jihoon to not be able to ignore it.

He smiled awkwardly, letting the older continue, "I am genuinely happy that I got to see you here, I swear. You know what, the only worth it thing my son did all of his life was reading your books. You won't believe me but back at home I have a whole wall dedicated to your books and merchandises. This asshole is a big fan of you, really the biggest fan I have ever saw."

His father looks were undeniably honest and proud, so much that Jihoon couldn't help but glance at his manager, finally for the first time in all these while considering the craziness Soonyoung had over his books.

He was smiling and the moment his eyes met with that of Soonyoung's, the taller became embarrassed, turning his head towards his father, "You are making him uncomfortable dad, stop it."

His dad shrugged his shoulders as if it was none of his business. The man was old enough to know who was comfortable and who was not, "Okay, Okay. I'll stop. But it doesn't change the fact that you are crazy over his books, does it? Don't tell me you never told him how you'd paste every line you like of his book on your wall like a treasure people used to show off in 90s? Or the time where you literally-"

The younger cut him off knowing well his father will only shut up either by embarrassing him to death or making him fullfil his wish, "Tell me what do you want me to do dad that'll make you stop talking."

The writer wasn't as unhinged from the interruption as his father was, "Cook me my favourite and I'll leave like I never came."

Soonyoung stood up immediately, "Alright!" He looked at his father, "Better not betray me then."


"So, what's up?" Soonyoung's father asked while leaning onto kitchen counter. The younger just glanced at him for a second before going back to doing what he was suppose to do, "Ceiling i guess."

His father chuckled at the sarcasm, "As bad humour as ever."

"I wonder who still laughs at them." The younger looked back his father, mocking at him the moment his father pressed his lips together in order to not laugh at the comment, "I don't find you funny."

Soonyoung scoffed at the statement, keeping his hands busy as he accepted his defeat, "Alright. I accept i am not the funny one and I also accept you don't laugh at my humourless jokes. No, you never laugh at them. Never."

His father nodded, ignoring the sarcastic tone of his statement as he repeated the same question again, "I am serious though. What's really up?"

Soonyoung sighed, "With me? It's okay dad. I am doing fine. I got a nice job, nice company, few good friends and enough pay to look after my expanses. I am trying to be responsible."

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