Soonhoon 25

317 17 14

"Kwon Soonyoung!"

Jihoon entered inside his manager's workplace, raging in anger the moment he tried to turn his head while desperately trying to find the older.

He doesn't, instead he was greeted with Seungcheol coming towards his side, brows frowned, confusion lingering on his face, "What happened now?"

"Don't even try to save him Seungcheol! Where the fuck he is just tell me!" Seungcheol could see the fingers pointed in his direction as threateningly as Jeonghan does when he fucks something up. It even leaves him wondering what does Soonyoung ended up doing this time that Jihoon was mad to the point he himself visited company today. It wasn't even Saturday.

When Jihoon glared at him, Seungcheol shrugged his shoulders as if it was none of his business and to be honest, it was not, "Call him, it isn't like he wouldn't pick up your calls since-"

And there came the younger, shuffling the pages of his files while entering inside, totally unaware of the glares that were shot up in his direction.

His brows were frowned the moment something caught his eyes in those pages. He called Seungcheol out while walking in his direction, "Hyung this page seems something-"

Seungcheol wanted to laugh the way younger paused while looking at his writer, gulping the next moment when he realised Jihoon was coming to him, maybe for killing him.

When he took at step back, Jihoon's steps hurried and he eventually ended up running behind him, cursing him out loud without any shame, "Kwon fucking Soonyoung! Wait till I get you and throw you off this building! You fucking basterd!"

It happened to be more than six months since both of them had decided to be more to eachother than just writer and manager but at that moment, Seungcheol couldn't help but wonder how did Soonyoung even managed to be alive all these while.

Jihoon was feral!

And despise of his short height and maybe short legs too, he caught Soonyoung up and Seungcheol knew it was the taller who gave up first, letting the shorter drag him back to where Seungcheol was as if he was the judge while Jihoon thought himself as a police and Soonyoung as a thief at the same time.

He shook his head in disbelief when Soonyoung tried to hide behind him, pretending as if Jihoon would really eat him up like some carnivorous animal. The shorter on the other hand raged, "I told you to come back home last night didn't i?"

And Seungcheol knew if he wouldn't protect Soonyoung, it might be his last day today as well.

He heard the shorter yelling at him again, "Are you fucking stupid? How can you stay here overtiming for straight three days? For real? And when I told you to come back, you didn't? Do you want to die?"

Seungcheol heard Soonyoung murmuring from his shoulders, "It's your book being published, tomorrow is last day, I wanted it to be best."

Jihoon was madder than before and Seungcheol almost thought of retreating from between them. Soonyoung's life was not important than his own anyway. Beside if something happened to him, his boyfriend will definitely dig up his grave, make him alive and kill him again. He didn't have any doubt in that.

"You aren't supposed to dig your grave here just because it's my book being published. Have you ever looked at yourself? Are you even eating?"

At the question, Seungcheol thought about the last time he saw Soonyoung eating. Maybe yesterday when they went out to grab something quick together? But it was already afternoon, and he knew Soonyoung hadn't eaten anything. He had fucked up a big time.

As expected when the taller didn't spoke anything beside a sorry, Jihoon anger subsided slowly. Seungcheol heard him sigh, an evidence that the shorter couldn't be mad at his boyfriend for too long.

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