soonhoon 12

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"Here you are!" Seungcheol chirped up as he watched his bestfriend coming behind Soonyoung, smiling when he waved at him while making his way in their direction.

The editor was all ready to sprint into the writer's way but soon frowned his brows, eyes narrowing as he focused on something very minor to others but very shocking to him.

Jihoon was holding hands with Soonyoung, letting the taller make his way in between the crowd while making sure Jihoon wasn't overwhelmed by the amount of people beside him. It was endearing to watch the way Jihoon would tighten his grip on taller's hand the moment anyone bumped into him. The older on the other hand couldn't help but lean towards his boyfriend who was probably watching the same scene as him, "Tell me I am not the only one watching this or i am really hallucinating?"

His boyfriend shook his head, wrapping his arms around his shoulders as he continued, "Honestly, i sometimes feel like there is lots of love in the air but it also feel like I am gaslighting myself."

"It's more like they are gaslighting themselves." Seungcheol commented, removing his boyfriend's hand from his shoulders while catching the younger off guard. Seungcheol never really objected when Jeonghan touched him in any minor or major way. Though the taller was the most clingy in both of them, it wasn't like Jeonghan was complaining though, Seungcheol still never refused when Jeonghan was moody or clingy to him.

This was new, Seungcheol could tell by the way Jeonghan's jaw was almost on the floor when he removed his hand off his shoulders. He was about to clarify himself until Jihoon interupted, "What are you both talking about?"

"Will you believe if I said he just removed my hand off him?" Jeonghan looked at Jihoon, complaining while catching the shorter off guard. The writer shook his head, "Did he really? That's not very Choi Seungcheol of him though."

Soonyoung was standing behind, watching the drama unfold as Jeonghan complained again, this time to both of them, "He did for real! I was keeping one hand on his shoulders and he just removed it-"

Seungcheol understood the urgency to interrupt his publisher, not wanting him to make his own series of 'cheating boyfriend' in next fifteen minutes, " Why would you even put your arms around my shoulders as if I am your friend or something? You got my whole damn waist to put your hands on, why make me feel neglected by touching shoulders."

His boyfriend was speechless, to the point where he really had no words to respond with. What was he even supposed to say?

But Jeonghan not having words didn't mean Jihoon was letting it go, "Never saw a man being this possesive of himself."

Seungcheol just rolled his eyes at the statement, "I had expected this kindness of you. Anyways, I'll just say wait until you yourself get a boyfriend, I'll see who is more possesive of touches, me or you."

Jihoon just nodded mockingly at him, scrunching his nose at them making Soonyoung laugh, finding his tactics hilariously cute.

Seungcheol eyes then travelled towards him, asking for validation, "What do you say Soonyoung?"

Jihoon had expected Soonyoung to deny the statement but the taller caught him more off-guard than Seungcheol, "I... I'll go with you in that."

The writer looked back at him, glaring, "He is stupid enough already, don't you dare support him in his bullshit."

Seungcheol dragged Soonyoung being him, threatening his bestfriend in the same way while standing between them as a protective shield, "Don't you dare threaten my boy and we are the smart one here, not you both."

Jeonghan stood beside Jihoon, arms crossed on his chest the in the same way the writer did after hearing the statement, "Elaborate please."

"There is nothing to elaborate Hannie. The thing is the arms around shoulders are different than the arms around waist."

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