soonhoon 23

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"Jihoon! Jihoonah! Jihoon!! Get up now! It's eleven. Get up!" The man beside him almost yelled in his ears, making the man groan in sleep, trying to pull the blanket more close but ending up hugging the man beside him more tightly.

Jihoon's sleep was half gone at that point but he didn't opened his eyes. anticipating to see what was older going to do next. But he only found Soonyoung being frozen inside his arms, making him mentally chuckle at himself.

This was the same man who was so bold last night that he almost confessed. Ironical isn't?

When Soonyoung finally realised what was happening, he tried to get up but Jihoon's grip was too tight. It was either he force him to open his grip in which he might even end up hurting him or stay like that. And the both thoughts were threatening to him.

He gave up almost immediately, sighing lazily before adjusting himself beside the younger, murmuring, "It's eleven."

"And?" Jihoon asked, voice barely understandable due to the roughness in them.

"Do you really want to stay like this?" The older asked just to recieve a humming in response.

"For how long?" There came his confused voice, "Do i have the authority to decide? Well if I do then as long as I wished."

He older had no more hopes regarding being released from younger's arms as he kept all his guards down, stopping before asking a question, "Appa called me to make sure I was okay. He told me I was crying. Was i?"

Jihoon nodded from beside, eyes still closed while Soonyoung stared at him from beside, "You were. You even jerked my hands off when I touched your shoulders. You were crying hysterically."

Soonyoung thought his heart stopped beating for a moment when he heard those words. He panicked, being defencive all of sudden, "I am sorry, I was drunk and-"

"It's okay, I deserved it."

This was definitely not something Soonyoung had planned to hear today's morning in any way. The younger then finally opened his eyes, looking back at his manager as he continued, "That man who gave me the chit in club? He was my that former classmate i didn't had any good relationship with beside fighting and yelling at eachother. At first I really wasn't going to meet him, but then I realised he don't remember who i was. I thought why not meet him and give him a little shock. I am sorry, i should have told you sooner."

"You didn't have to." Here came Soonyoung's hesitant and awkward reply. "I mean- you don't own me any explanation. It's your life, you can do whatever you want to. I shouldn't have interrupted you in the first place-"

"I want you to know about him." The sentence caught the manager off guard, well, not more than what he spoke next, "Atleast my date needs to know with whom I was right?"

"DATE?" Soonyoung jumped out of the bed, shouting, while Jihoon sat with him, grinning widely, "Date. You and I, together, on a date. Well I could announce us as boyfriends right here but It wouldn't be fare to you so i am keeping these dates as a way you can give a thought whether or not you want me as your boyfriend."

It was a pause from Soonyoung's side as if he was adjusting whatever just happened before tackling his writer down on the bed and hugging him tight, "I would love to!!!"

Jihoon giggled like never before, "So date cancelled?"

"No!" The older yelled, excited, "I want to go on a date with you, but as boyfriends!"

"As your wish my brand new, just made, morning fresh, boyfriend."

The older almost thought it was a dream, to the point he believed it was a hallucination. He immediately pinched his arms, feeling the pain and realising that it was true.

The morning was true.

The confession was true.

And his boyfriend himself was true.

But what really changed in a mere night that Jihoon was a ready to be his boyfriend? Soonyoung couldn't help but wonder what did he really do back then. Unfortunately, his mind was as blank as if someone had tore pages of his written diary, he could not remember a shit.

But when he thought hard about it, he immediately realised what he really could have done back at night, specially when he realised why was he crying, "I confessed yesterday didn't i?"

Jihoon shook his head, giggling while watching the man hovering him from above, "You almost did, and almost does not count as a confession."

The older was embarrassed, too much that he ended up hiding his face onto younger's chest, groaning, "Dang-"

"So tell me, when do you want to go out with me?" The older's head rose, looking at his writer in amusement and determination, "I will take you out. Be ready, I'll pick you up at six."

"Roger that sir!" Jihoon grinned again when the older kissed his forehead in early morning, almost giving him a heart attack. Strange thing was that he was smiling through all of this when from inside, his heart was almost on the verge of getting out.

"I'll have to go." Soonyoung immediately climb down of the bed, grabbing his phone and going back at Jihoon's side, "Sleep for as long as you like, I'll make sure to leave food for you in fridge." He quickly pecked his writer's cheeks, leaving him wondering if he'll even get used to so many kisses in morning at the very first place.

"I'll meet you here, and I am telling my father about his son-in-law. I hope you aren't mad about it!"

And the door shut down, leaving Jihoon with the thought that how much further this man had thought about everything? Son-in-law? He wondered how was that going to turn out.

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