9. Issues

24 3 44

Pov Rini

'And you're drink.' I said as I shoved a coke to Shiru. She smiled thankful and nodded. I nodded back and wiggled soft on the barstool, holding my hot tea in my hands.

'So, how have you been doing the last few weeks?' Shiru asked after sipping half her coke down already.

I smiled soft and tapped my fingers on my glass.

'Better, but still not optimal.' I responsed, happy that she asked.

'Hmm, tell me?' She asked, scratching her nail into the wood of the bar. I slapped her hand away and thought for a moment.

'Just, still having a lot of flashbacks and little panick attacks, but Hobi is really sweet for me, so that gives a positive effect.' I smiled wide at her and she nodded.

'I see, Hoseok is a good guy and I think you fit perfectly with him, not talking about the age gap of 7 years.' She sipped her coke hypocritically, showing of that she kept something to herself.

'I don't mind the age gap to be honest, he's nice, sweet and caring and that's all I need at the moment.' I said as I gave her a suspicious look. She chuckled and nodded.

'No, that's true.' I nodded slow and blew gently over my tea to cool it.

'Anyways, I don't force you to give an answer but what happened before Hope found you on the streets?' Shiru asked after a few minutes of silence.

I thought long about a brief explanation and shrugged my shoulders softly.

'Just some guy and his friends... he acted sweet at first but later made my life a living hell.' I said in a quiet voice, shivering by the memories of it.

It was terrible. Not even the fact that I had to go through sexual abuse and violence, but just the idea of how HE treated me.

I needed help badly when my parents died in a car accident, and I wandered the streets for four days, wounded too from the accident.

Acting like he cared and wanted to help me through what happened four days before he found me on the streets.

He was fake and I hated him for that. He never cared, he never really loved me, and that was what I hated the most. I did nothing wrong in my life and then he came randomly and treated me like shit, almost killing me with the help of his disgusting friends.

Shiru nodded and smiled with sympathy at me.

'I'm sorry to hear that, but I'm proud of you that you're already doing pretty good in my opinion, must have been hard for you.' I smiled soft and nodded, sipping my tea soft.

'Luckily my angel saved me.' I said proud.

She grinned and nodded.

'Oh yes, he better did.' I nodded and looked around in the room.

'Where's that bruise from?' I asked as I looked down at her shins. She looked too and crossed them so the bruise wasn't visible anymore.

'Felt in the bushes.' I raised my eyebrows, curious.


'After that school ball, well, not after the school ball but after an kind of after party after the school ball.' She said with a dumb grin.

'Oh? More details.' I said, pulling one knee to my chest.

'Let's just say that Yoongi, that new guy, took me over to a friend of his or something and that I left the house total drunk and high and felt in the bushes after losing my balance, my back still hurts from it.' She said with a chuckle.

'Why is there a bruise on your shin if you felt on your back?' I asked smartly. She grinned wide and took the last sip of her coke.

'Yoongi felt half on me when he laughed at me.' I giggled and shook my head.

'So the boy is clumpsy?' She shrugged.

'Possible, I don't remember much about what happened after that...' I raised my eyebrow again as I saw her cheeks flush pink and grinned.

'Tell me what you do remember.' She grinned and rubbed one of her eyes.

'So, okay, uhm, he kissed me in the bushes, ended in a make out, then things got vague, but I do remember he like...' She cover her eyes embarresed and chuckled.

'Took my virginity in the bushes?' She finished her sentence, making me gasp.

'No he didn't.' I said enthusiastically, almost spilling my tea over myself.

'He did, but I don't remember it well, really vague, I woke up in his bed and also didn't remember what happened so yeah...' Before I could response Eru walked in.

'Girls, basketball players are suckers! Especially Samuel!' She said as she grabbed a barstool and put it in front of us, sitting on it.

'Oh, what happened?' Shiru asked curious. 

'They are just horny and make dirty comments.' She scoffed, looking at her nails real quick.

'What else did you expect?' Shiru grinned and shook her head. I chuckled and rolled my eyes.

'Draven is fine, isn't he?' I asked curious, still amazed by him. Shiru nodded in response.

'Draven is a good guy, and Kyle too, did you meet him Ru?' 

'Kyle? If you mean that guy with blond hair who only looked shy at me.' Shiru chuckled and nodded.

'Yep, that's Kyle, he's a sweet guy.' Eru nodded with a smile and ordered a drink too when Mingyu suddenly came rushing in, Draven calmly walking after him.

'Shiru we have to go.' Mingyu said hurriedly as he pulled on her arm. She gave him a questioning look as she stood up and looked back at us.

'Something with 11.39, I will explain you in the car, girls, Draven will drive you two home or wherever you want to go.' I saw fear flowing through Shiru's eyes while I had no idea what Mingyu meant, yet I just nodded and so did Eru before Shiru and Mingyu left together.

Pov Shiru

Mingyu dragged me out the sports hall and forced me gentle in the car. He got behind the wheel and drove off without a word.

'Say, what's going on with dad?' I asked, knowing that if Mingyu talked about 11.39 that it meant something was wrong with Leonard.

'I received a really, really angry call when I was talking with Draven, he's furious about the fact that he didn't saw you in a days.' I groaned and slumped down my seat.

'Basically you're just bringing me home to get me beaten up?' I said, squinting my eyes. Mingyu groaned and rolled his eyes.

'You know I don't like it either that you always get beaten up.' I shrugged and smacked hypocritically.

'Well, I guess we can't change it.' He shrugged and stayed silent for the rest of the drive, probably preparing for what was coming.

It didn't took long before we were home and Mingyu parked his car in front of the house. I got out with a biggass attitude and walked angry to the door.

'Yah, Shiru, let me go in first, you don't know what's waiting for you.' I shrugged at his words and yanked the frontdoor open.


Before I could walk in, Mingyu already did and he held my wrist tight.

A few seconds passed and Leonard ran down the stairs, of course furious. If Mingyu weren't standing in front of me I would have laid on the streets half dead already.

'You!' Leonard tried to pass Mingyu but he held our dad back by pushing on his shoulders.

'You're so done!'

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