35. Death

18 2 63

Pov Shiru

The world was spinning around me and my head felt heavy.

It was difficult to open my eyes and as soon as I opened them, my eyelids felt heavy again and could close again at any moment.

My body hurt, it was a lot of pain. From what I had gathered, my arm was broken and I was lying open with stab wounds. Not ignoring the fact that the new guy had beaten me up badly. 

The moment my head started spinning a little less, I tried to push myself up. When I succeed. I saw that I had laid in a puddle of blood from myself. 

With a groan I sank through my arm again and looked around the space. I was still in the big hall from earlier, and I had heard Eru and Rini scream and cry several times, which worked on my nerves badly. 

I have always hated it when people screamed. It didn't matter if it was out of anger, frustration, sadness, happiness, I just hated it. And then now, the screams in combinations with the cries, made it worse. It made me think back of all the times Leonard beated up my mother. Just terrible.

'Hey girl.' The man from earlier with Leonard kneeled down in front of me.

I ignored him.

'You look terrible, maybe a surprise will cheer you up.' I rolled my glassy eyes and looked away. 

'Fuck off...' I muttered, not feeling like having him around me. 

'I will fuck off after I have fucked you, deal?' I groaned and rolled on my other side, my back facing him. A low chuckle was heard and it sounded like he got up. 

'Anyways, the fun is over, we are going to kill now, and you will watch.' He said as he stepped over me and kneeled again down in front of me. 

I sighed deep and watched him for a moment. His hair was black and a bit shaved up, but still long enough to give messy hair vibes off. He wore some silver rings around his finger and I could see the begin of a tattoo on his arm. 

'Where are you looking at, hm?' He asked with a hoarse chuckle before he cleared his throat.

'Nothing, just studying you...' I mumbled. 

'Right Shiru, keep doing that because this wont be the last time you will see me this close.' I sighed annoyed by the fact that he knew my name and decided to not repsonse on him. 

He stayed quiet until a way too broad man walked in. 

'Ahh, Brandon, good to see you, I guess it's your turn for the killing?' The blackhaired said. The man who was called Brandon, shook his head.

'Nope, I'm just here to watch. I heard from Leonard that Joshua and Dave would kill today.' He said as he bowed a bit over his friend.

'This one is already almost dead I see? What did you do to her Jacob?' He muttered with a grin, making me roll my eyes. 

'I didn't do that much, mostly Leonard did it.' The guy named Jacob hummed. Brandon nodded and straightened his back when the door went open again. 

The guy that I guessed who's name was Rex, walked in with Rini over his shoulder. 

'Joshua and Dave wont be able to have much fun killing this one I see.' Jacob said with a chuckle. 

'Ah, doesn't matter, Joshua already hurt her so yeah...' Rex walked further into the hall and placed the lifeless looking body of Rini on a chair, tying her up. 

Her eyes met mine and she looked at me with regret and pain, which worried me. I tried to crawl over to her, but earned a kick from Jiwoo who had appeared with a messed up Eru. 

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