14. Nasty Deal

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Pov Jiwoo

'Just take some rest alright, you will feel better if you sleep through this.' I said as I pulled the blankets tight over Shiru's body.

I had brought her to my apartment after a lot of trouble since she was hallucinating and thought some killer clowns were trying to kidnap her, not talking about the insects-thing yet.

She had to sleep now, that would be better for her. I hoped she would be a bit clearer in her head after waking up again. I sat down on the edge of her bed quietly and sighed as I thought for a while.

Shiru wasn't dead so that was good, but she did was hurt. On her face were bruises and when I helped her putting a loose shirt on I saw a stitched up cut in her arm and more wounds.

It probably had a good reason, but I still was worried about it, and also, why did she took so much drugs?

I smacked as I watched her sleeping and shook my head as a nasty plan creeped up my mind, she wouldn't deny it so quick I guessed.

'Bitch.' Was the first thing I heard when I woke up, getting a pillow slapped in my face.

'Fucking dirty-' I slammed the pillow back before Shiru could finish her sentence and looked up tired.

Her eyes were less bigger then the last time I saw them and she had some more color in her face, making me smile.

'Fuck you.' I earned a slap in the face, making my smile drop immediately.

'Why that attitude hmm?' I asked as I pushed myself up, shirtless, but she didn't seem to care.

'Why am I in your bed, wearing only a shirt, from you to be perfectly clear?' I rolled my eyes at her words and shook my head.

'You needed help dumb fuck.' She scoffed and slapped me again.

'I was perfectly fine.' I shook my head.

'You had I don't know how much drugs.' I said with a grin. She remained silent for a moment and shrugged.

'So? I will do it again, it was pretty nice until it got scary.' I laughed.

'Pretty nice? "Ah Jiwoo, help, there are coming insects out from under my skin!" you mean?' I imitated her, earning again a slap.

'Fuck you.'

'Sure, when?' She squinted her eyes and shook her head.

'Never.' She said firmly.

I grinned as I thought back at my nasty plan and smirked lightly at her.

'You want drugs?' I asked smuggy.

'Yeah, why so?' She crossed her arms and glared me down a bit.

'I'm a dealer, actually, you have money?'

'Do I look like I have money?' She asked with a scoff.

'Not at all, but there's another way of paying me.' I said seductively.

'Oh? Tell me?'

'You can pay me with your body.' I said with a bigass grin.

Pov Shiru

'Paying you... with my body?' I repeated, realizing what he meant.

Funny that he wanted my broken body over some nice pounts of money.

I shouldn't be doing this... but let's be honest, I'm fucked up totally if dad finds out I steal his drugs, so why not get it myself?

And besides, I could get it in an easy way, only problem was that the dealer was a total dick.

'Yep, paying me with your body.' He said like it was nothing.

'Tell me more first...' I muttered, intrested in the rest of his deal.

'Just like I said, no money but a good body, give me a nice round of pleasure and you will get yours in return but then as drugs.' He smiled.

'What do you think about it hmm?' I waited long for responsing, thinking about it.

I couldn't trust Jiwoo at all, atleast, I had the feeling that I couldn't trust him. But then again, it was a nice way of earning my own drugs and I don't think it can be that bad.

'Hm... I wanna try it out.' I said, not confirming the deal yet. He grinned and nodded.

'Sounds good to me, let's see... you're a starter... so, I wanna give you a choice between speed, ecstasy and magic mushrooms.' He said with a proud grin.

I laughed at the third option and shrugged.

'Ecstasy sounds fun.' He nodded and got up, grabbing a plastic back from his desk.

'Something like this?' He asked as he held it up so I could see it.

'Yeah, I guess so, give it.' I held my hand out impatiently, but he laid it down again and sat back on the bed.

'First I want a nice fuck round, I think that's fair enough.' He said as he hovered over me.

'Pardon?' I squinted my eyes and crossed my arms over my chest.

'And you think I just spread my legs for you?'

'If you want the drugs you should.' I bit my inner lip for a moment and sighed.

'Atleast use protection.' I muttered, not thinking straight about it. He nodded quick and grabbed a small red package.

'Of course I will, don't worry about that Shi.' He said with a grin as he ripped it open with his teeth.

Lord where did I got myself into? I shouldn't be fucking around for a few ecstasy pills and especially not with one of the best friends of my brother, that's just disgusting.

'Now be a good girl for me.' He said with a divine voice.

Okay, forget what I said. I just need to forget that the man is Jiwoo and that his personality is even worse than fresh cow shit and then I can enjoy myself fully with his body, or more reversed, he with my body.

Yeah no, that still sounded terrible wrong, but a little bit of a muscled bad boy wouldn't hurt me, right?

I nodded as I got my thoughts back in order and watched as he got rid of his loose shorts, leaving himself in his boxers, which showed a big, big mountain in it. 

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