25. Intruder

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Pov Yoongi

I had followed Shiru all the way down into an empty grass field. It was already dusk and the moon was in the sky. Fog was up to the grass and everything combined gave a spooky sight, not to mention the cold breeze yet that blew through my hair every now and then.

Shiru ran up to a random pole that was standing next to a ditch and smashed her hand on it, piercing it. I gasped in disgust at it and tried to catch up with her.

'Shiru!' I shouted as I tried to grab her arm when I was almost close enough, but to my surprise she jumped and disappeared in a dark hole in the ditch. I lost my balance and felt in it too, giving a loud scream before I landed with my back on a hard ground, making the last bits of oxygen disappear out my lungs by the hard smash on my back. 

I gasped for air and coughed badly. 

'Yoongi!' Shiru's voice echoed through the air and before I had the chance to look up I got kicked in the stomach and surrounded by men I never had seen before. 

I curled up in a ball and hid my head between my knees to keep it safe as I got hit several times. Shiru was screaming something on the background but I didn't heard what she exactly said. 

Suddenly, I got throw on my back and earned a fist on my jaw, making my head flip to the side. Not much later after that I felt two lips on my neck and a sharp pain. I cried it out in pain and tried to shake my head to get the man away from my neck.

Not much later the man lifted his head slow, locking his dark eyes with mine. 

'Negative.' He said to someone who was sitting next to him. 

'Yes sir, I will inform the Bloodbound, lock him up first since he came with...' The second man looked at Shiru for a moment and back at the one who was still on top of me.

'Yes, will do.'

Pov Shiru

'Negative?! So what?' I asked angrily as I followed Hunter to a big building. 

'So what? He isn't one of us and yet he came into The Scarlet Hills, that's a big violation.' He answered as he pushed open two big doors which led into a hall. 

'He was worried about me! He didn't mean to enter!' I said as I grabbed his wrist, but he ignored me.

'You need to let him go! He did nothing wrong Hunter!' Hunter rolled his eyes and pulled his wrist loose. 

'I know Shiru, and I will do my best to get him out but I can't promise anything. Look, the Bloodbound is a fearless group of men, Shiru, once they want somthing, they will get it too. They strictly adhere to the rules that the former king established for this kingdom. Changing their minds will be very hard for me.' Hunter said as he walked quick through the hall, seeming like to be in a hurry. 

'Then let me talk to them!' He laughed sarcastic. 

'They wont accept that, you should be happy that atleast I can talk to them, not very much vampires are allowed to do that.' He said as he stood still in front of an another pair of two big doors. 

'Why is that?' I asked annoyed, but curious too.

'I don't know, they don't really appreciate lower-ranked vampires, especially smart-aleck little girls who always think they know better. Like you.' He said as he crossed his arms. I scoffed and imitated him.

'I'm nothing like that!' He hushed me while pressing his finger against my lips and patted my hair. I made an attempt to bite him in his finger and earned a slap in my face.

'See? Such a bad, impatient little brat.' He said as he squeezed my cheek like I was a kid. I groaned and pushed him aside.

'Just go and make sure Yoongi gets released.' I muttered. He chuckled and messed my hair up before opening one of the doors slightly. 

'You stay here, that scary men are in here.' He said sarcastic, but in a funny way. I smiled soft and nodded as I heard someone say "Fuck you Hunter".

Pov Hunter

I entered the big conference room and looked at the mess the eight men had made. 

'And you are supposed to be the leaders of The Scarlet Hills?' I scoffed as I kneeled down, collecting some lost papers filled with letters. 

'Ah get lost already Hunter.' Zane said. I looked up with raised eyebrows and looked at the younger and shorter boy in front of me. 

'I'm really wondering why you are even in the Bloodbound.' He rolled his brown eyes at me and crossed his arms.

'Because my mom and dad are from the royal family.' He said with a rich expression on his face, which annoyed me so bad. 

'You aren't unique for that, asscracker.' Derek snickered at my comment and got slapped on the neck by Ethan. 

'No laughing at basic vampires.' He murmured, making me roll my eyes. 

This guys weren't even men, they were kids, not talking about the fact that Yi Spike, the youngest and smallest, only 1 meter 81, of the group, was only 18 years old and restless as fuck, not forgetting yet that he was such a curious and adventurous boy, but lord, that kid could be oh so stubborn. 

The oldest of the group was only 5 years older then me, Kong Harris, a 38 years old moody guy, he most of the time was a grumpy dork. With his 1 meter 89 he loved to throw everybody that came in his way on the ground, but he could be lazy too. 

Below Harris, we had Ralph, Yim Ralph. He was with his 34 years old ass the leader of the Bloodbound. He was 1 meter 88 and more quiet then the others in the group. You could tell from his appearance that he was the dominant type and a powerful man, not skipping his visible tattoos. 

Then we had Kae Derek, he wasn't really like Ralph. He made constanly jokes, which were most of the time not even funny. He was a reckless and sarcastic guy with muscles from here to the moon. Talking about his muscles, he liked it badly to show them of to girls, trying to seduce them for one night stands since he was a big playboy, and most of the time he succeed with his 1 meter 86 body. 

Under Derek we had the 24 year old Sung Justin. He was an energic boy and a big food lover, yet he wasn't fat though. He had a wild and bold character and was noisy, but he could be serious too, luckily. Further he was 1 meter 86 too and had dark blue hair, not missing the most important detail, he was musical as fuck. 

After Justin came Dong Ethan, 23 years old and 1 meter 85. Ethan was a serious and calm guy, but he could be playful and aggressive as well, not talking yet about his eager and greedy side. He basically just had much different personalities. 

Then we had the annoying prick, Chung Zane. Lord if killing was legal, he would be strangled by now. He was an 22 years old boy and 1 meter 82. He had a weird but flirty personality which in combination with his handsome-ass face and way too big self-confidence was a hell. He got way too fast jealous as well.

Then we came to the second youngest, Pang Louis. He looked like a real baby with his blond hair and blue eyes. But his personality was badass. He was 20 years old and 1 meter 83. He could be shy due his autism but he was a real nice boy if you knew him better. 

'Of course I'm basic...' I muttered as I throw my hands frustrated in the air. 

And those guys had to rule the kingdom...

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