36. Never Ever Again

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Pov Shiru

Nobody had said a word except me, who had called the ambulance with a phone I had found in one of the pockets of Leonard.

Rini was out of her mind and I could read from Eru's eyes that something had happened to her that she wasn't going to talk about any time soon. 

Only quiet sobs were heard now and then and it hurt me. None of us deserved this... Eru and Rini didn't atleast... Maybe I did.

We were waiting quietly outside the building, the sirens of the ambulance sounding closer each second. 

I was deep in thoughts while staring at the muddy ground. 

Why did the others leave when Leonard got killed by me except Rex? 

Why did Rex kidnap Rini to this place and why did he wanted to get rid of her?

Why do they kill people anyways? 

Why did they- 

'Hello sweetheart.' A woman with kind brown eyes and black hair kneeled down in front of me and I saw that Rini and Eru already got helped into two of the three ambulances. 

I nodded quietly in response and looked at her again. 

'Are you coming with me into the ambulance? Then we can take care of you.' She asked, her voice sweet.

'Yeah...' I muttered while I watched two police cars park here as well. 

'Good, come.' She helped me up gentle and brought me into the third ambulance, where another man was. I glanced at him suspiciously and sat down on the bed which was in there. 

'You look terrible sweetie, what happened to you?' She asked as she closed the doors and grabbed some stuff from which I didn't knew the name. 

'Bad men.' I muttered, not wanting to talk about it. It was wrong what I had done, it all was one big mess. She nodded and connected my arm with a drip, I guessed painkillers. 

'I think that asking if you're alright doesn't make sense.' I shook my head and leaned back, closing my eyes. 

'I will start stitching already okay? We can't wait til we are at the hospital, tell me when it hurts.' I nodded and focused on the touches on my body as I felt that the ambulance started to drive. 

How could something so easy turn in something so bad? It wasn't fair, none of this was. 

And the trouble Rini had with her ex would probably not stop yet since he was still alive. The plan was to not kill me yet, and the Jacob guy had said this wouldn't be the last time I would see him. 

I just knew this wasn't the end yet, something strange was going on and it wouldn't stop until they had what they wanted, but I wasn't quite sure about what those men wanted. Yes, they wanted us dead, but maybe there was a reason for that. 

With a sigh I frowned a bit and felt how the woman started stitching one of the cuts. My emotions slowly got turned back on and I got overwhelmed by them. 

Rini and Eru probably were disgusted of me because of what I did. I didn't had any family left except my grandmother, but she lived in Poland and I had never met her in person. Yoongi probably doesn't want me in his house anymore after he hears what happens. And Hunter, no, I wont bother him with my problems. 

It all just fell down. 

I sighed deep again and fell asleep without realizing.

'Shi?' Eru soft voice woke me up and I looked up, seeing her sitting on her own bed. In the bed besides her was Rini still sleeping peacefully. 

'Yes?' I whispered back, curious about what she had to say to me. 

'Are you okay?' She asked, her eyes still slightly blurry. I sighed and shrugged.

'I don't know, hurt.' She nodded and I took a good look at her. Her face was still pale and there were a lot of stitches I could see. 

'How about you?' I asked quietly. She nodded a bit.

'I'm better then earlier...' A soft smile dripped of her face and I nodded, searching for words when Rini spoke up. 

'Girls?' Her voice sounded faded. I leaned a bit up and looked at her. 

'Yes?' Eru answered her. Rini sighed deep and stared at the ceilling. 

'I'm sorry.' She said, fidgeting with her hands. 

'I should be sorry, you did nothing wrong.' I muttered, making Eru scoff. 

'You both did nothing wrong, so both don't apologize.' She said confident. 

'If you say so...' Rini said quietly before becoming silent again. I did the same as well and my got back at my thoughts, questioning myself a lot.

Pov Rex

Escaping from the cops was the easiest job in the world. The boys and I had went with the body of Leonard to our meeting place, an old factory at the edge of the city close to the woods. 

With Brandon's help, we set up the ritual necessary to get Leonard back. In the meantime, Nils, one of our doctors, had put some stitches in the neck of the older man and brought him here.

'Nice job babe.' Brandon said as he slapped the ass of his boyfriend. Yes, they were a couple. 

I snorted at them and grabbed my book with curses and spells. 

If the girls thought this would be the end then they were wrong badly. Thanks to Rini we had a nice list of people we could hurt to play with them mentally. 

As I opened the book and looked for the right spell, Jacob kicked me in the back, as usual. I groaned and hissed at him. 

'It's not the time to fuck around, Kwon.' I muttered, not in the mood to play around. 

'Ah, are you again in grumpy grandpa mode?' Jacob said as he slapped the book out my hands. I glared up at him and pushed him hard against the shoulders, up against the wall. Nils and Brandon cheered and laughed, but I didn't find it funny at all. 

'Fuck off Jacob, I swear I will stab you in the damn spine if you don't...' I let go of him slow since he did nothing more then grinning. I could read from his face that he wasn't going to stop any time soon, but I let it be. 

I took my book from the floor again and looked on the right page so I could bring Leonard back to life to start the real hell for those teenagers. 

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