18. The Scarlet Hills

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Pov Shiru

I woke up with a nice feeling and stretched out with a soft moan, sitting up after. I brushed my hair back and looked around in the room. 

It was just like the rest of the house, calm and cozy in some way.

I smiled and got up, disappearing in the bathroom with my clothes, taking a quick shower before going downstairs. 

As I walked into the kitchen I saw a total other person then the Hunter I knew. He was wearing loose black shorts, shirtless and his hair was a mess. He was baking some eggs while watching something on his phone. 

'Hunt?' I asked, since he didn't notice me yet. He looked over his shoulders with a morning look on his face, which could make any woman fall in love with him immediately. 

'Morning Shiru.' He said with a hoarse voice. 

That's it. If I wont be able to find a man in a year I will marry this one. I smiled at him and sat down on the table.

'Good morning, slept well?' I asked as I enjoyed the smell of the eggs. 

'Yeah, I did, did you?' He asked as he grabbed some bread. 

'Good to hear that, I slept incredible good too.' He chuckled and stayed quiet for a moment.

'How come?' He asked after a while as he walked over to me and handed me a plate with bread and egg on it. 

'Hmm, sweet, thank you, and I don't know, I didn't sleep well in centuries, so yeah.' He smiled and nodded.

'Well, I'm happy you slept well here, maybe because you knew you were save here, because I expect that you aren't save at home...' I nodded as I took a bite.

'You're probably right.' He nodded and sat down besides me on the table while eating quietly too. 

After that we both were done, Hunter had gone upstairs to change into some clothes while I waited at the back door for him. We were going to The Scarlet Hills together. 

'I'm ready.' Hunter said as he stumbled in, still tying one shoe up, almost falling against the table. I laughed at him and he grinned slightly. 

'Are you ready?' I nodded at him and he opened the door, leading me into a big, empty grass field. I looked around curious and smiled by the smell of pure nature. 

'It's pretty here.' Hunter nodded and brought me all the way down the field until we came at a ditch. 

'You see this pole here?' He asked as he placed his hand on a wooden pole, the top of it sharp.

'Yeah, I do, what's up with it?' He smiled and slammed his hand on the sharp point, making it cut through his hand. I gasped and looked disturbed at it. 

'What the fuck Hunter?' I said.

'Not what the fuck, this is how you open the gate to The Scarlet Hills.' He wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled my back against his chest. He showed an opening that suddenly had come in the ditch and pointed at it.

'We gonna jump in it alright?' 

'Oh hell no, that's not-' Before I could finish my sentence he already made me jump with him. I gave a short scream before I already landed on a hard ground of red-brown dirt. 

'Let the Blood's Runners attack you alright? Don't struggle.' Hunter muttered as I got slammed over out of nowhere. I groaned as I felt hard on my shoulder and got kicked in the stomach. I curled up in a ball and covered my neck with my hands. 

I got rolled over on my back and a man sat down on me, hissing agressively. I sniffed and hissed with the same energy back at him. 

He squinted his eys and grabbed my jaw tight, moving my head aside. I groaned as he bit me deep in the neck and made fists of my hands. 

'Positive.' He growled to a guy that suddenly was standing besides the two of us.

'Yes sir.' He answered and ran off with high speed.

Hunter pulled the man off me and helped me up. 

'What a nice way to welcome a new vampire Cole.' Hunter said as he pressed his hand on the bite wound in my neck while talking to the dude who bit me, apparently called Cole.

'Well sorry that I can't see the difference between my food and vampires.' Cole said with a chuckle and held his hand out to me. 

'Shin Cole is the name.' I looked at him for a moment and sniffed. 

His hair was almost black, his skin pale. His eyes were red-brown and his smile gorgeous. He was a bit taller then me and dressed in blue pants with a black T-shirt on it.

I took his hand with a small nod.

'Sin Shiru.' He nodded with a puzzled expression.

'You're from the Sin's, that's pretty cool girl.' I smiled soft and shrugged.

'I guess so.' He smiled and shook his head.

'Go give her a tour Hunt.' Cole said as he slapped the back of Hunter's head and walked off calm.

I was amazed at that place where I was.

The sky was dark, yet there was light here on the ground. To my right was the edge of the forest and to the left was the beginning of a large sprawling village. 

'Pretty cool, isn't it?' Hunter said with a smile. I smiled back and nodded.

'It is, very, where are we going first?' He shrugged and dugged his hands in his pockets.

'Go wherever you wanna go, I will just follow you.' I grinned and immediately rushed off into the forest. I heard Hunter call me back but I didn't listen.

To my surprise there suddenly was a deep cliff. I stumbled and almost lost my balance when Hunter grabbed my arm and pulled me tight against him.

'You dumb fuck.' He muttered, while I just looked down in the deep darkness, amused.

'What is this?' I asked quietly as I peeked over the edge again. Hunter pulled me again back against his chest.

'This cliff? It's where we dump the dead or not longer useful bodies of humans, it's called The Dark Thirst, if you fall into it you are doomed so better stay away from it.' I nodded slow as I grabbed his hand and walked back to the place we were first.

'Oh, I forgot to ask, you want to take a look at your mother's grave?' Hunter suddenly asked. I looked up surprised at him and nodded.

'Yes please.' I said, letting him pull me along to a cemetery.

'This place is called The Ashes, it's where we keep the bodies of allies, vampires.'  I nodded and let go of his hand, looking at the headstones for my mother's name.

After a few meters I found it and looked at the pretty beautiful headstone.

'So... my mom was here, all the time?' I asked as I looked up at Hunter. He nodded in response.

'Yes, we took her body here and stitched her up correctly before we burried her.' I nodded slow and watched the grave for a while, feeling my mom's energy around me again for the very first time in months.

I smiled calm and took a deep breath.

'Hmm...' I kneeled down and touched the ground of the grave.

'I love you mom.' I of course didn't got an answer back, but that didn't matter to me.

I was happy to know where her body was and that she has been treated well here. Hunter placed a hand on my shoulder and squeezed it soft.

'Is it okay? Now you have got to see her grave?' I looked up at him and nodded.

'Actually... yes.' He smiled soft and nodded back.

'I'm happy to hear that, I have to visit the Bloodbound real quick so just look around for yourself a bit, but no running or jumping from cliffs alright?' I chuckled and shook my head.

'I wont, see you later.' He nodded and pressed a kiss to two of his fingers, winking at me as he walked off.

I grinned and shook my head, sucker he was.

With a smile I started to explore the village.

Blood Rise [ONE - Seduced Out The Dark]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz