16. Lycanthrope

18 3 36

Pov Shiru

After a while of talking with the girls about boys and plans for the vacation, I decided to take a look at home again. Leonard wouldn't be home by now and I didn't care if Mingyu was home or not. 

I hopped over the sidewalk quietly, still seeing now and then some killer clowns, but that was just hallucinating so I didn't need to worry, which was difficult but that didn't matter. 

As I arrived at my house, I looked at it for a while. The old house could use a lot of renovations, not that that would help, because it was just a total wreck. I shook my head and walked in with a sigh. 

The hallway was still a mess but it didn't really bother me, luckily. I made my way to the kitchen and looked in the fridge if we still had something to drink besides water from the tap. 

In the back of the fridge was still a Cherry Chouffe and I smiled, grabbing it and opening it. Cherry was my favorite flavor if it was about beer.

I moved some dirty dishes away and sat down on the counter, getting lost in some thoughts. 

Mingyu suddenly entered the kitchen and he looked at me. I sniffed and looked back for a moment before I moved my gaze at the garden unbothered.

'Where were you hmm?' He asked as he opened the fridge as well.

'Like you don't know.' He shook his head and scoffed.

'Why did you took drugs? Jiwoo said you almost got hit by a car and were annoying as fuck as he tried to bring you to his house.' I rolled my eyes and ignored him. 

'Shiru answer me.' He said in a stern voice. 

'Why?' I sipped from my beer as I glanced at him again. 

'Because I want to know why you took dad's damn drugs.' He said, grabbing a glass of water in the end.

'Why wouldn't I? I mean, he wanted me to fuck off so I did, I only took his pretty nice powder with me.'

'That's the most dumbest reason I ever heard from you.' He muttered as he leaned against the counter. 

I simply shrugged and took an another sip, not going to be the one who would keep this conversation up. 

'You really don't care, do you?' He asked with a scoff. 

'Not at all, no.' I said shortly as I looked at the table, which was a mess too. 

'Well I do, you could have gone missing Shiru!'

'You're dramatic.' 

'I'm not, who knows what had could happened?' He said as he glared at me.

'Well nothing happened, so I don't know why you're making it such a big deal?'  He groaned and threw his hands frustrated in the air. 

'If you dare to take drugs ever again you're in big trouble.'

'Oh? what then? Gonna act like Leonard?' I rolled my eyes and looked away again.

'Of course you will Mingyu.' I added in a mutter to my sentence. 

'Fuck you Shiru, maybe I will yes.' I raised an eyebrow and glared at him.

'Oh really? I knew it, you're just the same as that fucking douchebag, from inside and outside, but you know what? If you want me to disappear as well then why don't you make sure that it happens?' I slid off the counter and grabbed a knife, pushing it in his hands.

'Kill me then, you fucking asshole.' I muttered as I stared angry at him. He scoffed again and looked from the knife to me.

'I prefer killing you with my hands then with a stupid piece of metal.' He threw the knife in the sink and his eyes blurred into a yellow-orange color, surprising me. 

'Pardon?' I asked as I took a step back. He stepped with me and growled, surprising me even more.

'Yoo, you got possessed or something?' I asked with a high voice as he suddenly got bigger and ripped out of his shirt, making my breath stop for a moment. Before I could even say something about it he lunged at me. I felt to my knees to dodge him and pushed myself away as I got up again. 

'Yah! What the fuck got into you?!' The only response I got from him was a loud growl. 

He lunged at me again and scratched me hard on the ribs. I gritted my teeth on each oter and covered the wound with my hand, staring in disbelief at him, not understanding what happened.

He looked like a kind of werewolf, but still human as well, and it was freaking me pretty out.

A he showed his teeth and got in position to attack me again, when suddenly Hunter jumped through the window and hissed loud at Mingyu. 

He hitted Mingyu in the shoulder with a gun and kicked him to the floor. Mingyu lunged out at Hunter and successfully hitted him, but Hunter didn't really moved away from it. He hooked his arm tight around Mingyu's throat and choked him until he passed out. 

Hunter dropped him on the floor and scoffed.

'Son of a bitch...' He muttered as he looked at his ripped sleeve where blood came through. 

'Ya... Yah... what the hell happened?' I asked at I stared from Hunter to Mingyu, back to Hunter. He shook his head and opened the door to the garden.

'I will explain you later, let's get that wound fixed up first.' He said as he exhaled deep and held his hand out. My eyes moved from his hand to my brother, to Hunter's eyes and back to his hand.

'Come on Shiru, you will learn a lot today if you come with me.' I stared into his eyes as I slowly took his hand and he pulled me along, tangling his fingers in mine. 

'Are you badly hurt?' He asked as he looked at my now in blood covered hand. I shrugged and lifted my trembling hand of my ribs.

'Just only got scratched here.' He nodded and pulled me closer to him as he led me through some alleys I never knew from that they existed. 

'Don't worry, I will heal you as soon as we are back at my place, just keep pressing on the wound and you will be fine.' He said with a calm voice, which calmed me down as well. 

'What happened to my brother?' I asked as we arrived at the corn fields again. He shook his head and sighed.

'You really don't know anthing, do you?' He muttered.

'Yah, don't blame me for that! How was I supposed to know that he was a kind of werewolf if that even exists?!' I hissed at him.

'You're brother isn't a werewolf, he is a lycanthrope, or lycan, however you like it.' I frowned and looked curious at him.

'More content please?' He smiled and shook his head.

'You know the diferrence between werewolves and lycanthropes?' He asked as he looked at me for a moment. 

'No, I don't.' I said as I shook my head and kept looking at him as we walked. 

'Werewolves transform only during the full moon, whereas lycanthropes can transform day or night, full moon or not, that's basically the only difference, if I'm right.' I nodded slow and thought a while about his words. 

So he basically tries to make me believe that magical creatures exist? Dumb fuck he is, of course I wont believe that they do, he thinks that I'm still a kid or something?

'Don't forget that I can read your mind girl... I'm serious.' Hunter muttered quietly. I frowned angry and shook my head.

'Don't read my mind if I didn't allow you too.' He chuckled soft and shrugged.

'I will do whatever I want to do girl.' 

'Hmm... whatever...' He nodded and brought me quietly to his house, sitting me down on the same place on his couch as the last time. 

'Shirt off.' He commanded. I rolled my eyes and did as he said, looking at the holes in it from the scratches. 

He sat down besides me and took a look at the deep scratches. He hummed soft as he muttered something I couldn't hear and grabbed an first aid kit. 

'It's not too bad, I can fix it easily.' 


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