New Guy

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The next day at school, I dedicated all of my time to AVOIDING Daniel. After what he tried to pull last night, he's the last person I want to see. Anyways, the test we were studying for last night, I aced it. No big deal.

It was finally lunch and I stopped at my locker to grab my lunch, just praying Daniel wouldn't come up to me. I did well not meeting at our usual spots today after classes, but I didn't remember to get my lunch out of my locker. On a normal day, this is where we would meet and then walk to lunch together. I took a deep breath knowing that I would have to face him in a matter of minutes anyways. I closed the locker to find a guy standing next to me.

"Jacob! What the hell, you scared me!" I yelled.

"Sorry! I had to ask Daniel about a play in basketball.... where is he?"

"How would I know?"

"Well let's see you are his girlfriend! What's going on Pey, why are you acting so strange?" Jacob wondered.

I sighed. I knew Jacob would get it out of me eventually. He is my best friend after all...

"Okay, but you can't tell anybody, promise?"


I kept my voice low as we began walking to lunch, cautious that Daniel wasn't anywhere in sight.

"Daniel tried to do the dirty with me.... I kept telling him I wasn't ready but he kept going saying 'Oh it's fine Pey, come on Pey' like it's not fine! I'm only 16 and I don't want to be the new star on Teen Mom right now!"

Jacob pulled me into a tight hug, as a few tears fell down my face.

"Jacob, I don't know how I'm gonna survive lunch, I spent all day avoiding him and I feel like I'm gonna throw up with nerves." I continued.

"Peyton, I've known you for so long, and I know you are so strong. This is nothing compared to other stuff you've been through. I'm on your side 100%, just let me know if he makes you feel uncomfortable or anything ever again and I'll be there to help you ASAP. If you want I can talk to him to help him get his head out of his ass."

"Hahaha Jacob! You can help me, but let's not bring it up to him... I don't know how he feels about all of this. Anyways, let's get this over with and go inside. Daniel may be getting on my last nerve, but my hunger is winning at this point." I laughed.

Together we went inside the lunch room to find all of our friends sitting at our usual table in the back, Daniel included. I noticed a new guy sitting down too, he looked familiar, but I couldn't put my finger on it. On a normal day, I would sit next to Daniel, so thankfully the new guy took that spot. Me and Jacob sat next to the new guy across from Penny and Kenya.

I guess Penny and Kenya immediately noticed something was wrong with me cause not even ten seconds after I sat down, Penny asked if all was well.

"I'll tell you guys later." Is all I manage to say.

I looked around and noticed Daniel wasn't in the talking mood either. He was just as stubborn about this as I was. All I knew was he was trying to play the victim in this and I wasn't going to let that happen. How stupid would this be if we let this ruin our relationship?

My thoughts were stopped by Kenya tapping my hand.

"Oh Pey! This is my new friend Chresanto!"

Chresanto... Chresanto August? As in the football star?

He leaned over to say hi to me.

"Hahaha heyyyy." I replied.

He honestly looked even more dreamy up close. I saw Daniel roll his eyes and continue eating his sandwich. Whatever, I wasn't going to let Daniel ruin this moment I was dreaming of since freshman year! My small crush for Chresanto vanished however once I started dating Daniel but a small part of me was the same freshman Peyton.

"Kenya omg how did you get him to sit with us?!?" I whispered.

"He WANTED to, but I got more to tell later, girls hang out at my place after school?" She asked.

"Sure!" Me and Penny answered.

"Wait Pey, can I have a ride to Kenya's?" Penny asked.

"Of course!" I responded.

This was perfect. I wouldn't be all alone at home to morn over yesterday with Daniel, instead I get to spend my Friday afternoon with my best friends.

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