Math Madness

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I was just chilling when all my friends... and Daniel... busted into the room. 

"BRUH! Pey you was just reading this whole damn time? We thought something happened or something!" Penny yelled.

I put my book down and sat up in my bed.

"Umm no, I was just relaxing. Why yall so concerned?" I said calmly.

They all turned to look at Daniel. He had his head down and I immediately understood what this was about. My friends thought I would be hurt because of the breakup, when I was actually feeling hella good right about now. The whole thing made me realize that I shouldn't be with someone who doesn't respect my own personal boundaries. 

I sighed and spoke up again. "Can yall give us a minute?"

All of my friends left and soon it was just me and Daniel. For a second, I thought I made a mistake by only having him in the room, but I realized I needed to really get this off my chest.

"Pey, I'm so sorry. I really messed up and you know that."

"Yeah, I do know. I also know that I didn't mess up. What I said is final Daniel, I don't want to be in a relationship anymore. We can still be friends or whatever, but I honestly can't be with someone who doesn't respect my own beliefs. If you truly did love me like you said you did, you would've respected that." I spoke.

He didn't say anything at all. He knew I was right. 

"I understand Peyton, and I'm not gonna push you to get back together with me. I just want you to know, I'm truly sorry. From the bottom of my heart. I never meant to hurt you like that, and I still want to continue being friends cause you're pretty awesome."

I smiled and stood up to hug him. "Thank you Daniel." 


Monday rolled around, and it was insane. Apparently, word got out over the weekend that Peyton and Daniel broke up. I've never seen Peyton or Daniel with so many people around them. Daniel had about five girls constantly following him around begging for just one date with him. Peyton had a group of four guys surrounding her at her locker, but she didn't look amused like Daniel did. Penny and I walked over to Peyton to help.

"Aye aye aye, let her breathe." I said, clearing out the guys who eventually walked away.

"You alright Pey?" Penny asked. 

"Yeah I'm good. It's just kinda annoying. No one even noticed me at all until I started dating Daniel. Now everyone's on my dick."

"What dick?" I laughed. 

"Bruh you know what I mean" Pey laughed.

The bell rang and we all went to class. Me, Penny, and Peyton all had advanced math together, so we all walked there and took our seats. With the assigned seats we had assigned in class, we were all spread out in the class. Peyton was basically front and center right in front of the teacher, with her being the teacher's pet and all. Penny and I were in the back of the room, but we were on opposite sides of the room. 

Right when the final bell rang and Mr. Silva was about to begin, some guy walked in the room. 

"Ahhhh Mr. Lopez! I know you're new here, but you are also late. Take a seat." Mr. Silva said.

I eyed the new kid. He was kinda tall and had on a beanie over his two braids. He took a seat right next to Peyton and I leaned all the way forward and looked at Penny to my far left. She looked like she was about to burst out laughing. I held up my phone and we began texting through Mr. Silva's lesson.

Me: Do you see what I see?

P: Hell yeah! That new kid eyeing Peyton hella hard bruhhhh. He wants the Pey! 

Me: Pey aint paying him no type of attention tho!

P: Hol up, lemme try something.

I looked over and saw Penny type something on her phone and then glance at Peyton. Suddenly, a loud noise went off in the room, signifying Peyton's phone went off.

"Peyton, was that your phone?" Mr. Silva asked.

"Ummm yeah but it was an accident! I forgot to put it on silent Mr. Silva, I won't let it happen again."

"You know the rules Ms. Watson. Please pass up your phone."

She took her phone out her bag when all of a sudden, the new kid put his hand on Peyton's phone. Peyton gave him the weirdest look.

"Mr. Silva, she didn't even have her phone out man, come on." He spoke up.

"Rayan, I know this is your first day, but right now you are in jeopardy of having a detention after school. Please let Peyton pass me the phone." Mr. Silva spoke. I could tell he was getting angry. I glanced over to look at Penny who had the biggest smile on her face. She just loves to start shit I swear.

"I guess I'm getting detention then." Rayan said.

"You know what... here. Just take my phone Mr. Silva." Peyton spoke up.

She  handed him the phone and he paused to see who the message came from. 

"Ahhh, Ms. Penny. You will be joining both Peyton and Rayan in detention as well I see."

"KENYA MADE ME DO IT!" Penny yelled.

I whipped my head around to her and gave her the "nigga the fuck" look. 

"Kenya, you-" Mr. Silva got cut off.

"Yeah yeah... detention I got it." I said slouching back into my chair.

 I looked at Penny again who was trying so hard not to laugh. I cracked a small smile and started my worksheet, and I couldn't help but think... what was Penny up to?

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