Ray and Pey

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I woke up to my phone blasting the song "Flex" as I reached over and turned it off. I closed my eyes and wished I didn't have to go to school today. After what happened Saturday, I knew today would be hell. I decided to get it over with, so I got out of bed, did my morning routine, and got dressed in black leggings, a red flannel, and my black converse. I didn't feel like doing my hair, so I put it up in a messy bun. For my makeup I just decided to do some winged eyeliner... Nothing fancy.
I ran downstairs with my backpack, grabbed a granola bar, and headed to my car. I turned it on and began driving to school. Every light i passed made me more and more on edge. I talked to Ray on the ride home from the restaurant about everything and he's so upset with Daniel that I'm just praying a fight won't brake out today. Ray has only been here a week, and him getting suspended is the last thing he needs right now.
I pulled into the parking lot and found a parking spot. I turned off the engine to my car and grabbed my bag from the passenger seat and headed inside taking deep breaths. First, I stopped by my locker to grab the books for my first class.
"Ayeeeeee Pey Pey wassup!?" Kenya shouted from down the hall walking up to me.
"Hey girl!" I answered.
"So, am I crazy or is Penny not here today? She's always the first one here out of all of us." She pointed down the hall to where she came from. Jacob, Chresanto, and Ray were standing next to the lockers talking.
"I have no idea... I haven't heard from her since Saturday now that I think about it. Jacob doesn't know where she is?" I asked as I closed my locker and began walking with Kenya to our friends.
"No, he's worried as hell."
"Hmmmm..." I thought.
We made it to my friends where I was all of a sudden swallowed into an enormous hug from Ray.
"Whoa whoa whoa a girl needs to breathe!" I laughed.
"My bad, but I'm still sorry for what happened this weekend Pey. I feel bad about the whole thing." He said.
"Ray, you have nothing to be sorry for, it was all Daniel's fault. You just defended me, and like I said before... Thank you."
"No problem" Ray smiled.
"Okay will yall just date already?" Chresanto asked as Kenya elbowed him in the ribs.
We all started laughing until the bell rang telling us all to go to class. My first class, language arts, I shared with Jacob and Ray. Jacob walked ahead of me and Ray, laughing with Chres, as I felt an arm sling around me. I looked up to see Ray with a goofy smile on his face.
"Hahaha what???" I asked.
"I think Chres had a point...so, what do you say? You wanna be my girlfriend?" He asked.
"Hahaha well pretty boy, after my last relationship, the boyfriend position is something you gotta earn." I smirked. Ray stood there with a sly facial expression as he watched me walk into the classroom. I took my seat and got my paper and pencil ready for class.
I sat in the back of the class, so I tried my hardest to stay on top of my game in there. The teacher began the lecture for today as we all took notes. Suddenly I saw my iPhone screen glow, meaning I got a text. I checked it and saw it was from Ray. I looked up at him at his seat in front of the class to find him smiling right at me. I shook my head and checked the message.
I looked back up and smiled at Ray, nodding my head. I bit my lip and went back to taking my notes.

Eventually it was time for lunch and there was still no sign of Penny. Daniel hasn't shown his face either, but who could blame him? Arianna still sat with us at our table, but she was really quiet ever since the dinner.
We were all talking amongst ourselves when Penny finally walked in the Cafeteria. Our whole table went dead silent as we watched her. She looked horrible. She was in sweatpants and a hoodie with her hair in a messy bun, and her eyes were red and puffy. I've never seen her cry ever. In fact, none of us have.
Jacob stood up walking over to her and taking her bag for her. They talked for a minute, hugged, then sat down with us. Everyone was speechless at the sight of her. She sat right next to me, but I didn't know what words to say. I turned to her and gave her the biggest hug ever. She sniffled and I felt her face smile.
"Whatever is making you upset girl, just know we are always here for you okay?" I spoke.
She looked at me and nodded her head and we all went back to our normal conversations.
The last bell of the day rang and I couldn't have been more happy. No Daniel, no drama, no worries, and I got to end the day with Ray. I walked to my locker putting back the books I didn't need when Penny and Kenya walked up to me.
"Hey what are yall doing here?" I asked.
"Um hello? What are YOU doing HERE? Shouldn't you be meeting your man right now?" Penny asked.
"How did yall know about that?"
"Ray never shuts up about you! Now come on!" Kenya said as she grabbed my wrist.
I had no idea what was going on, or why they were rushing me like this. We made it outside and started walking when we found Ray and the guys leaning on his car.
"Hey guys!" I said. I was kinda confused actually. When Ray sent me that text, I thought he meant it would only be us two, but instead all of our friends were here.
Next thing I know, Ray walks up to me and hugs me really hard for the second time today.
"Okay what was that one for?" I asked.
"For showing up." He smiled.
"Hahaha Ray what is going o-" I paused and gasped. Ray out his arm around me and turned me to face our friends.
Each of them had the letters "P" "R" "O" "M" in their hands. Jacob, Chres, Penny, and Kenya were all smiling really hard. I looked up at Ray who smiled and pulled out a rose bouquet from behind his back.
I took the flowers and hugged him really hard.
"So, will you go to prom with me Pey?" He whispered in my ear.
"Yesssssss of course!!!!" I screamed.

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