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"Ouch!" Peyton yelled as I accidental burned her ear. Pey and I were upstairs in my room getting ready for the big game we've been waiting for all week. First Penny would play, then after her game, the guys were playing.
Peyton sat on my rug in front of me and I was on the edge of my bed, curling her hair. Peyton had nice hair, but honestly couldn't style it for her life.
She was wearing an infinity scarf over another one of her famous flannels with leggings and combat boots. I was wearing a flowy peach shirt with black jeans and my hair in a bun.
I also helped Peyton with her makeup. Getting this girl dressed up was a tough process.
It was 5:30 and Ray and Chres were picking us up at 5:45.
"K, are you almost done? I gotta make sure I look okay." Peyton said anxiously.
"Calm down Mrs. Lopez, Ray would love you even if you were wearing a jail uniform." I joked.
She mocked my laugh and continued to keep her head still as I finished up her hair. After a few finishing touches, I applied hair spray to lock her curls and announced I was finished.
"Thank goodness, this hair better be on point man. My butt is numb."
"Oh hush, just look for yourself." I laughed.
She walked over the my dresser where my mirror was located and gasped. I didn't know if it was from the makeup I did for her, or the hair, or even both, but whatever it was, she was in shock.
"Kenya omg I look hot as hell how did you do this?!?!" She exclaimed.
"Learned a few things from YouTube, no biggy."
She laughed and played with her hair. We both took some pics before heading downstairs to wait at the door for the boys to come.
"So what up with you and Chres? Like it's so obvious he likes you... But has he done anything yet?" Peyton asked.
"Nope. The thing that makes me upset is, I like him a lot. He is so sweet to me, and funny, but he never makes a move. I guess he just wants to be friends."
"Not true. He always googly eyed at you Kenya. He likes you. He probably just a wimp." Peyton laughed. I could already tell Ray was rubbing off on her. I smiled and hit her arm.
A car pulled up into the driveway and Chres got out of the passenger seat, and opened the back door for me. I smiled and slid in as he sat next to me, leaving Peyton in the passenger seat, and Ray driving.
"Whoa babe, you look great!" Ray said as he hugged Peyton.
"Awwww thanks Ray! Kenya did it for me!"
He looked back and I smiled.
"Nice job Kenya, you made my girl look even more beautiful than before!" Ray smiled.
Peyton beamed and gave him a kiss on the cheek and we finally drove off. I looked over at Chres who was just staring out the window, not making any conversation. The whole 10 minute drive to our school, I was left listening to Ray and Peyton's couple talk.
We found a parking spot and got out the car and into the gym. The girls weren't even warming up yet. The girls game started at 7:00, but since we have best friends who play, we had to make sure we had front row seats to cheer the loudest. I chose to sit next to Chres on the end, not wanting to hear Ray and Peyton talk anymore.
"So, why you been so quiet?" I asked Chres.
"I don't know," he shrugged, "guess just lost in thought."
I could tell something was bothering him.
"About what?"
He looked at me.
"Just..... Everything. You know, school is so overwhelming at this time of year and my mom has been on me about my grades. Spring football starts in a few weeks and it's just so much man. I don't know how Penny and Jacob do this all the time."
"Chres I know exactly how you feel. I have the same issue with cheer! It's a hard balance, but you will get it! You can get a tutor, as teachers for help, sleeping longer helps a lot... There are so many solutions, and I know you can do this." I smiled.
"Kenya, I have like 2 F's right now, and if I don't get them up, I can't graduate on time next year. That means I'll have to turn down all these football scholarships!" He spoke.
I was about to continue until the lights went out, signifying the girls team was coming out.
"AND NOWW INTRODUCING, YOUR LADYYYYY DEVILLLSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!" A big voice boomed from the microphone. We all stood up and started screaming like crazy. The small spotlights on the players made it easy to spot Penny, she was the last one out right in front of Coach Anderson. They were all smiling and waving at the crowd.
The whole team lined up across the gym and into their normal formations to be announced as always. They made it down the row until they finally got to our best friend.
"WHOA WHOA WHOA HOL UP JUST ONE SECOND!" Daniel came running out the side door of the gym. We all turned our focus to his yelling. He looked angry until a smile spread across his face. After a moment of confusion, four guys including Jacob walked onto the court, each holding a basketball that spelled out PROM.
I had to admit, I shed a tear. Baby Penny over here growing up. She ran up to Jacob and kissed him, and running back to her spot to be announced.
"AND NOW YOUR STARTING POINT GUARD.... PENNY!!!!!" The voice continued and everyone screamed and cheered.
I looked towards my cheer team and spotted Arianna and waved to her. She waved back, but still looked pretty upset.
I tapped Chres on the shoulder.
"Hey, I need your help with something." I smiled.

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