P Probs

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It was still Monday and we all just helped Ray ask Peyton to prom. It was honestly the cutest thing I think I've ever seen. She even started tearing up!
Right now, I was headed back inside the school to the locker room. As much as I wanted to, I couldn't go to practice today, because I finally got my abortion this morning.
It was the hardest thing I've ever done in my entire life. Taking away my own child was the saddest thing ever, and I knew I never wanted to go through with this again. None of my friends, or even Jacob, knew about it, and I needed to keep it that way. However, I had to tell Coach Anderson some believable excuse. If I was lucky, she would let me at least shoot, but with the big Sectionals game this Friday, and with me being Point Guard, I knew this would be almost impossible to get out of.
I opened the door to her office where she was watching game film making new plays for us.
"Ahh there she is! Our point guard that will lead us to victory this week! How are you doing Penny?"
I sighed. "I'm actually not okay Coach. Look, I don't think I can practice today. And before you say anything to object, you know me almost better than I know myself Coach... You know I would never say those words this late in the season, unless it was really important."
"Okay, well what is it Penny?" She asked with a concerned look.
Just thinking about what I've done this morning make me cry all over again. I started sobbing and choking for air, like how little kids do.
"Whoa whoa whoa are you okay? Penny, look at me."
Coach Anderson put her hand on top of mine and I looked up at her.
"What is it?" She whispered.
I felt like I should tell her. She was basically my second mom. She's been training me from the start of my career at age 6. Then I realized, there would be no chance of me playing if she knew. That was one of her biggest rules she taught us. She was so against teen pregnancy that once, this girl Jaida was in the same situation as me and she got kicked off the team. I thought back to the Tennessee scouts coming to watch me Friday and realized there was no way in hell I was ruining this.
"Coach, I can't tell you. But I promise, I will come to school early to get a morning workout in... As well as tomorrow for regular practice." I stood up and continued talking, walking towards the door. "Coach, I really do love you. Thank you for everything you've done for me. I trust you, it's just that.... Some things are meant for only yourself to know."
Before she could say anything I closed the door and left her office.
I made it to the hallway and began to run. I didn't care who saw, or how stupid I looked with this big ass backpack on, I just ran. I needed to talk to someone to get my mind off of things. That's why I was so happy Peyton was my only close friend that didn't have a sport. Arianna was on cheer with Kenya, Jacob was at basketball, and Chres and Ray I still didn't know all that well... I only knew that they were both Peyton and Kenya's future guys.
I was now running on the side walk, until I made it to the entrance of Peyton and Jacob's neighborhood.
I decided to call Peyton to let her know I was stopping by, so she would be ready to open the door for me.
"Yo Pey, I'm down the street... Can I stop by?"
"Sure thing. I ordered some Chinese and it should be here soon... You are more than welcome to come over and have dinner too!" She said. I noticed she seemed a little too polite. I then remembered she must still be on her "happy high" from when Ray asked her to Prom earlier.
I hung up the phone and walked up to her house knocking on the tall door. She opened it with a big smile. Her hair was now wavy and wet, falling down her back, and she was wearing a huge shirt that was basically a dress on her small body.
"Hey Peyton" I said with a slight smile.
"Hey P! You alright? Looks like you've been crying." She closed the door behind me, leading me to the kitchen where we sat down on the high counter stools.
"I'm fine... Just more tired than anything. And nervous for Friday... Will you be there?"
"Girl yes. I felt so bad for not going to Regions... But no I got this all worked out. So Kenya doesn't have to cheer for this game so me and Kenya are gonna go to the game with Ray and Chres." She beamed.
"Ooooooooo Ray huh?"
"Hahaha... Oh I forgot to tell you what happened today! He asked me to be his girlfriend." Peyton spoke.
"And you said yes right? You better have said yes Peyton. I been telling that fool to ask you out since the day he got here!"
Peyton looked outside the window. That's how I knew she said now. If it was yes, this girl would be dancing on the damn table.
"Pey, you didn't."
"Penny, Daniel and I only broke up a little over a week ago, and after what happened Saturday I'm not sure that's a good idea. The last thing I want is for Ray to be suspended for fighting that nigga. I would love to date Ray! It's just that I'm worried Daniel is gonna do something, and I don't want Ray to get in trouble." She spoke, still looking out the window.
"Pey, Ray beat the shit out of Daniel. If anything, he probably scared him off. Ray really likes you, and after that promposal, you really need to consider."
"You know what, you right. I'm not about to put my life on pause cause of his stupid ass." She smiled. Just then the doorbell rang. Peyton got up to get it, and returned with two large boxes of our food.
"Well girl, this food ain't gonna eat itself." She laughed. We headed upstairs and watched movies until it got dark and she drove me home.
We said our goodbyes and I got out my keys unlocking the door. I went inside and threw my backpack to the side. I took a quick shower, throwing on a tank top and basketball shorts slipping into my bed. I checked my phone and saw I got a text from Jacob.
I smiled and replied with a thanks and love you back. I slid my phone onto my nightstand and turned off the lights. I didn't think I was upset anymore until I felt hot tears running down my face.
Who knows how long I cried? Could've been minutes or hours, and I still didn't feel better about what I've done. My thought finally slipped away as I fell into a deep, dark sleep.

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