Bad Kids

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I knew exactly what Penny was doing. The second Ray stepped in the classroom I could feel his gaze on me, and with Penny and Kenya in the back of the classroom, they must have noticed. I wasn't complaining at all though, Ray is cute as fuck. I was just gonna stay low key about this whole thing.
We were all four currently in detention after school. Mr. Silva left to grade papers and forced us to clean his classroom in our hour of detention. I was cleaning the board, Penny was scraping the gum from desks, Kenya was just chilling in her seat (lazy ass), and Ray was sweeping the floor.
"Kenya I swear if you don't get up and help-" Penny started.
"Nu uh uh, you dragged me in this, I didn't do anything at all. Peyton shouldn't be doing anything either, but with her goodie two shoes self, there she is, scrubbing a board that Penny and Ray should be cleaning."
I mean mugged her and stuck my tongue out.
"Aye, why me?" Ray asked.
"Cause you wanted to stick up for your girl so damn bad, you started arguing with the teacher." Penny said from under the desks.
"Pshh, he was being a dick for real. She ain't even have her phone out!" Ray said.
"True, but Pey could've handled it herself."
"Yes, but I'm real happy Ray stood up for me, thanks Ray. Yall should be more like him." I joined in.
Ray looked up and smiled at me, then went back to sweeping. I observed him a little longer then I felt a pen hit my head. I looked and saw Penny and Kenya laughing they asses off.
"Yall ain't funny at all, let me live." I laughed and went back to cleaning.
Eventually our hour of hell was up and we were able to go home. I had the GREAT LUXURY of taking Penny home. We were headed to my place so I could tutor her and then we could hang with Jacob.
Once we got into the car she started blabbing.
I closed my eyes and sighed.
"Yeah a little louder please, I don't think the people in China heard you."
She shoved my arm and laughed and we headed to my house.
We went straight up to my room and started studying. After about two hours we ordered some pizzas and called Jacob over from next door. We saw him make the short walk over and met him at the door.
"Wassup Bew!?" Penny said.
"Aye girl, missed you." He said as he kissed her.
"Yall nasty as hell, you just saw each other at lunch." I said.
"Oh I know you ain't talking. When you was with Diggs, yall was all over each other." Jacob said.
"Man shut up and come in before you let some bugs inside my house."
The pizza finally arrived and we went back up to my room and turned on Netflix. We selected Poetic Justice and I got up to turn the lights off. I was laying on my stomach on my bed, while Penny and Jacob were on my plush rug under my blanket feeding each other pizza.
"Ugh can yall quit being all lovey long enough to get through the movie? Like damn."
"Shut yo lonely self up Pey, why don't you invite Ray over?" Jacob said.
"Nah I don't know him like that."
"Nigga you was laughing yo heart out with him all during lunch." Penny laughed.
"Well it don't matter anyways cause Ray is already on his way" Jacob shrugged.
I damn near flew off the bed landing right on Jacob and Penny as they laughed. I hit both of them hard on their arms and took my blanket back curling up on my bed.
I didn't know if I was ready for another relationship after I just ended one three days ago. I knew I had a crush on Ray but maybe this was too soon.
Then I thought about Daniel. He seemed to be moving on fine too with my girl Arianna. Maybe this wouldn't be such a bad thing.

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