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My least favorite class was here. First period US History. My thing is this, one. History is already boring enough! Why make me have it at 7:30 am!?!? Two, we learned all this in like elementary school. Three, the past is the past. Time to move on and make NEW history!

I had no friends in that class. No team mates either, so that made it 10 times worse. I wasn't bad at history at all. I was actually very good at it. It was just soooooo boring. 

My teacher didn't make it any better either. I was convinced she was a robot. She always talked with this monotone voice, almost like a computer. She would lecture the whole class, never call on anyone, never showed videos, powerpoints, do activities.... none of it. We just had to sit there and take notes. 

But, who has time for notes?!?! 

I sat behind this huge kid who played football, he was almost equivalent to a refrigarator. With him in front of me, and an outlet beside me, I could stay on my phone. 

I was currently in a group chat with the others. We were talking about the visit that happened yesterday and how we were gonna handle it.

Kenya was a hot mess. The rest of us were trying constantly to calm her down. 


KenyaBew: I just don't know how Im gonna go two months without seeing my boyfriend.

Pey10: It's okay Kenyaa, we will all help you through it!

Diggsta: Yeah we got you!

JacobDaBalla: Yo Kenya I gotta ask you a question.

KenyaBew: What?

JacobDaBalla: Are you okay, after your boyfriend hit you?

KenyaBew: Yeah. I know it's suprising I guess, but at the end of the day, I know he had no control over it. It was all just his illness. 

JacobDaBalla: Alright, that's good to know you're okay.

AmayaAngel: Penny, how's your eye holdin up?

PennyAintProud: Oh I'm fine. It happend in basketball plenty of times. 

PrettyBoyJustin: Okay... but are YOU okay? I ain't ever seen you cry before.

Pey10: Truuu

PennyAintProud: Bruh I'm fine! Hahaha! It's alright I promise. Everyone gotta let out tears now and then right?

KenyaBew: Truu

Diggsta: Shit, I gotta run. Coach is makin us lift today. See yall at lunch.

Pey10: Bye Baby!

JacobDaBalla: "Bye Baby!" You aint cute Pey

Pey10: Jacob I know where yo class is, and I live next door to you... you wanna get yo ass beat?

JacobDaBalla: No.

Pey10: Good. Penny, control yo man. I got some learnin to do guys! Byee!

AmayaAngel: And then there were 4.

JacobDaBalla: Pey gettin so agressive lately omg. I've known her for a long time and ain't ever seen her like this!

KenyaBew: It's cuz she hangs with us now! DUH!

PennyAintProud: What class yall in right now?

KenyaBew: Art.

AmayaAngel: Spanish.

JacobDaBalla: Math.

PennyAintProud: Man. I'm so bored. Like my robot teacher won't shut up.

AmayaAngel: Bruh. At least you know what yours is saying!

JacobDaBalla: TRUUU

KenyaBew: Hey, I gotta go to. We about to start with clay.

AmayaAngel: Same. She givin us a pop quiz that I'm about to fail.

PennyAintProud: Hahahaha well good luck guys!


PennyAintProud: Shut up fool!

JacobDaBalla: Actually my name is Jacob, but fool works too!

PennyAintProud: Okay. I may actually wanna listen to robot lady instead of talk to you.

JacobDaBalla: Love you too! Byee!



My crew is so weird.... but I love them all. I don't know what I would ever do without them.

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