New Girl

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As soon as I got home after school that day, I went upstairs to my room. I threw my backpack on the floor and flopped onto my bed. My face was mashed into my pillow and it still couldn't hide the smile on my face. I finally felt so happy, I guess Daniel just has that effect on me.
I sat up to grab my laptop and check my social media. Tumblr was the main on I checked because it was the one place where I could express myself with no one I know personally to judge. I logged on and saw I had some fan mail. They were comments on my artwork. Yeah, I guess you could say I'm an artist. Honestly, through art is how I tell my stories. Writing was never my thing, but through art just feels so relaxing. It was how I told my personal life without actually saying it.
My most popular art piece was a painting of a lion eating a live antelope. Yeah... I'm the antelope. The lion represents my most recent boyfriend. We were at a party, and he slipped something into my drink... Next thing I know I woke up tied to a bed with no clothes on. I was raped by who I trusted the most.
Because of this, it took me forever to open up to people. I had a few friends here and there like Peyton, Kenya, and Penny... But I was always very cautious. That whole thing happened when I was only in 8th grade. My innocence was taken from me at such a young age, and that's hard to look past.
I closed my laptop and went downstairs to get some snacks before I began my homework.
"Hey sweetie! How was school today?" My mom asked me.
"It was great. Finally got an A on an English paper."
"That's my girl! How's that new boyfriend of yours?"
My mom was also very cautious of who I hung out with because of what happened, maybe even more than me.
"He's good. He treats me so nice mom, I feel like he's honestly more of a friend than a boyfriend." I said.
"Ahh, see that's how you know you've snatched a good one... When can we meet him?"
"Soon, Mom, I promise!"
She hugged me and I went back upstairs with a bowl of grapes.
I checked my phone and saw I had two messages from Diggy.
Babyyy: hey Ari, can you come ova? I miss you.
Babyyy: I made fooddddd.....
Okay I had to admit, the food is what hooked me. I texted back that I was on the way and grabbed my backpack once again. I guess it had to be done sometimes, and maybe he could help me.
I grabbed my keys and took the ten minute drive to his huge ass mansion. I was ,ore shocked actually cause I never knew he had it goin on like that.
I went up to the door and before I could even ring the bell, Daniel busted threw the door and picked me up, spinning me around in a circle.
"Baeee I missed you like crazy!" He said.
"Diggy, it's only been like an hour!" I laughed.
"I know, but you got me whipped already." He winked.
"Hahaha put me down fool!"
He listened and we headed to the kitchen hand in hand, where I met his brother and one of his sisters Angela.
"Angi, Russy, this is my new girlfriend Arianna." He beamed.
I waved, but didn't get the reactions I was expecting in return. Russy and Angela looked at each other confused as hell.
"Umm. Diggs, you never told us you broke up with Peyton." Angela said.
Oh shit. I felt Diggy tense up as that was probably the same thing he was thinking. Either he actually forgot to tell them about the breakup, or he wanted to avoid the subject.
"Oh really? Well yeah it just wasn't working right between us."
This really wasn't a conversation I wanted to hear. I love Peyton, she's one of my good friends, but hearing Diggy talk about how they used to date made me a little anxious. I don't know how they broke up, but I feared they would somehow get back together.
"Ohh. Well anyways, it was nice meeting you Arianna, you seem very sweet! I hope you can handle our crazy brother!" Angela laughed as her and Russy left.
"You can set your backpack down on the couch, and I'll fix your bowl for dinner for you. I made spaghetti!" Diggy laughed.
I smiled and set down the bag. I went back to the kitchen and sat at one of the high chairs to the counter, watching my boyfriend prepare dinner.
He looked up at me watching him and smiled.
"What's wrong Ari? Looks like you thinking hard as hell about something."
"How come you never told them about you and Peyton breaking up?" I asked.
Diggy remained quiet as he finished the bowls and sat next to me handing me one.
"Honestly, the breakup with Peyton was just really hard on me, and I don't like talking about it at all. We were together for a while, as you know, and I don't know... It just hurt."
I all of a sudden felt bad. I had no idea that was why he was hiding it from them. I thought he was afraid to tell them about me or something.
"Diggy I'm sorry... I shouldn't have asked. I was out of line." I said looking up from my noodles.
"You weren't out of line at all. You have every right to be curious Ari. Just know, that you are my only focus now. Peyton is out of the picture, we are friends and that's all."
It honestly felt so nice to hear that.
"Okay, thanks D. Oh and did you see her with that new boy today? They seemed to really hit it off." I smiled.
"They really did. They was laughing hella hard all during lunch damn near breaking my eardrums." Diggy laughed.
"Hey... I have a thought."
"What is it"
"Feel free to say no, but I say to strengthen all of our friendships, how about we have a huge group date? I mean once Chres and Kenya, and Ray and Peyton are together." I suggested.
I honestly needed friends at this point. I've been shutting people out for so long due to my past, and now that I have friends, I don't want to let them go.
"That's a great idea babe. I think they would all love that." He responded.
I smiled and we continued to eat the rest of our spaghetti.

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