Heatbreak Hotel

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I was currently sitting on a bench at the park. I was curled up in a blanket avoiding the gusts of wind that chilled my skin. I also held a large bottle of whiskey.
Now, drinking isn't normally my thing, unless I'm super depressed, like right now.
Earlier at lunch, Chres pulled me away from the table and outside to talk privately. I thought he would share good news, but boy was I wrong. He told me we could never possibly be together. He has a future ahead of him and I would be a huge bump in the road of his path to victory.
I took another swig of the strong alcohol and looked down at my phone. No notifications at all.
Penny, Ari, and Pey don't know what happened, and I don't feel like talking about it. I honestly feel so foolish.
Trevor was mentally ill, and Chresanto just flat out didn't want me. The worst part was, my friends are all in relationships or talking to someone. Me... I had no one.
I held the blanket tighter. Although it was March, it was still chilly in the evenings. I sighed and looked around... No one to be seen. It was about to storm, but I didn't mind. I just needed to be away from reality.
Another swig.
I closed my eyes and let my mind wander. It shouldn't be this hard to get over someone. There are 7 billion people in the world, and one person shouldn't have this much of an effect on me. But he does.
I knew something was up all along. We never vibed like Penny and Jacob, or laughed like Peyton and Ray. We shared moments, but not nearly at that level. I yearned to feel what Peyton and Penny felt. Love.
I craved it.
Another swig.
The wind blew again and I suddenly heard footsteps. I quickly tucked my bottle under the blanket.
I turned towards the trail and saw a familiar figure approach.
"Kenya? Is that you?" He panted, out of breath.
"Yeah Diggy, it's me. What are you doing here?"
"I could ask you the same thing. I come here every evening for a jog, what's your reason?"
"I had to think, alone." I said. I moved my feet off the bench so he could sit down.
"You feel like taking about it?" He asked.
I shook my head no. After everything that happened, the last person I wanted to tell was Diggy.
"If you say so, but just so you know, drinking won't solve anything." H chuckled.
"Dang, is it that obvious?"
"I smelled that whiskey back at that tree over there! You ain't hiding nothing." Diggy laughed.
I laughed too, for the first time since lunch.
"Well, I finished my run for the day so do you want a ride?" He asked.
"No thanks, I'm just gonna walk home."
"No, I won't let you. I don't care how much you drank, it isn't safe for you to be on the side of the road intoxicated, especially at night. Come on, I'll get you some coffee!" He added.
I smiled and rolled my eyes. As much as I still was uneasy about Diggy hurting two of my best friends, I couldn't turn down a free ride and coffee.
I accepted his offer and we walked to his car in the parking lot. I began to get into his car when he put a hand on the door, blocking my entrance.
"Nah uh, you gotta throw out that bottle first K. If my parents smell that, they gonna slap the black off me."
I giggled and walked towards a nearby tree. I took one last swig, hoping my mind would ease more, then emptied out the bottle and throwing the carcass in the garbage.
"Aye there you go, already makin improvements!" Diggy said as we pulled off.
I forced a smile at his comment. I still wasn't in the mood for people right now.mall I wanted was that coffee and to curl up into my bed.
"What you thinking bout over there K?" He asked, looking over as he drove.
"Nothing really, I just can't wait for sleep." I said.
He nodded and continued driving. The rain from above finally started and he turned on his lights and wipers. My mind drifted back to the dinner we all had and what Diggy said about how he still liked Pey. I suddenly wanted to know how he felt.
We finally made it to Starbucks and Diggy took out an umbrella running over to my side protecting me from the rain. We ran towards the coffee shop, avoiding all possible puddles. We made it inside and found a booth in the corner. I sat down as Diggy ordered the coffees and went back to thinking.
Maybe Diggy actually could help me through this heartbreak. I mean he basically just went through it. I wonder how he felt. I looked up at him as he placed our coffees down on the table and sat down.
"Hey Diggs, at the dinner, you said you still liked Peyton, is that true?" I asked, putting cream and sugar in my coffee.
"Yeah, but she doesn't want me. She has Ray now, so there is nothing I can really do." He said. He looked out the window and I could tell he was still hurt.
"Well, how do you deal with that heartbreak though?"
"There is no official way to end heartbreak, you just have to cope through it. I'll tell you now, it's hard as hell seeing Peyton and Ray together, but like I said there is nothing I can do. Eventually, I will find someone who I love though and that's all I am looking forward to." He continued.
"Wow, you're right. I guess thinking in that mindset is a lot better than that whiskey." I shrugged.
"So that's what this is about? Something happened with you and Chres huh?"
"Yeah. Today he told me how we can never be together and how I'll put a big bump in the road for him and slow him down in life. No one's ever spoken to me like that before and I've never felt so hurt."
Diggy put his hand on mine from his spot across the booth.
"He doesn't deserve you. You have been a great friend to me through this year and I know you too well. He can go die in a ditch Kenya. You won't put a bump in the road for anyone. He's just stupid."
I smiled and looked at his hand still on mine.
"Thanks Diggy..."
"No prob, so now I got a question for you."
"Okay what?" I asked.
"Can I take you to prom? I mean we're good friends and all and both single..."
I slowly smiled. I know he's caused a lot of trouble with my friend group lately but he is still a great friend of mine.
"Sure thing!" I laughed.
We finished up the coffees and headed home. All I could think about on the ride home was if I should tell the girls, but in the end, I decided to keep me and Diggy going to prom a secret.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2015 ⏰

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