Study Buddies

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It was Friday night and I was over Jacob's house. We were outside playing basketball, going one on one.

Me- Better be ready J, I'm bout to make this three!

Jacob- Not with me guarding you you're not!

I laughed and took a step back preparing to take the shot. Right when i was about to make it, Jacob came running towards me, lifting me up in the air and over his shoulder.

Me- JACOB! This isn't fair! Put me down before I kill you!

Jacob- Well in that case, I won't put you down! I ain't ready to die!

Me- Hahaha omg you're such a weirdo.

Jacob- True, but YOUR weirdo!

Me- So. When you putting me down?

Jacob- I'll make it easy for you. All you gotta say is... Jacob is the hottest basketball player ever and he always wins when we play one on one.


Jacob- WHOA. Which basketball player is hotter than me?!

Me- Easy. Stephen Curry, Chris Paul.....

Jacob- Whateva. Just say it if you wanna see the ground again!

Me- Fine.... Jacob is the hottest basketball player ever and he always wins when we play one on one. 

Jacob finally put me down and I hit him.

Jacob- Ow! What was that for?

Me- For being stupid.

Jacob- Well do it again! That was hot.

Me- NO! Hahaha what the heck is wrong with you? I have an idea of what we can do though!

Jacob- What?

I pointed over to Jacob's next door neighbor's house. Peyton's house. It had another car in the driveway, and that could only be one person.

Me- Let's go bug Peyton and Diggy.

Jacob- Ha! I'm in!

We walked over to Peyton's house, rang the bell and her mother let us in. We went in the kitchen to find the two laughing with a whole bunch of books on the table.

Me- BRUH! Yall always studying!? DANG!

Diggy- Yeah!

Jacob- Yall some nerds.

Peyton- Jacob, no one inviting yall over here so you can hush up.

Me- For real though... it's Friday night! Yall got to be up for something else besides studying! 

Peyton- Well, what did you have in mind?

Jacob- Well we were just playing ball!

Peyton- NO. You guys play ball all the time, and I suck. 

Diggy- Peyton, it's alright. So, any other ideas guys?

Me- Well... hmm. No not really.

Diggy- Alright then... me and Pey got some studying to do then.

Jacob- Come on! Yall don't even wanna just chill and watch a movie or something?

Peyton- Nah, I'm fine.

Me- You guys are literally the most boring couple ever. 

Diggy- Whoa. Me and Pey have fun. 

Jacob- Oh really? Cause every time I come here, either Peyton is studying alone, or you are here studying with her. I aint ever seen yall have fun.

Peyton- Hahaha Jacob hush. We been to some parties together, and we went laser tagging last weekend.

Me- REALLY? Dang. I didn't even know you left the house Pey.

Diggy- Shut up Penny. We know how to have fun.

Jacob- Really now?

Diggy- Yes. Really.

Jacob- Well, you know our boy Justin is hosting a party tonight at his house right? We should all go.

Peyton- Idk... I'm not really a party person.

Me- But Pey, you said you were fun.

Peyton-  I am it's just... I don't know.

Diggy- Peyton look, we've been studying a lot and maybe we do need a party. Come on!

Peyton- Fine... what time does it start?

Jacob- 9 and its 5 now so we got time to get ready.

Me- Aight then!

Jacob- Meet up at my place at 8:45 and I'll drive yall.

Diggy- Sounds good!

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