Chapter Thirty Six

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''Happy Birthday''

Are the words I hear that stirs me out of my slumber, my back is faced towards the door and to where the sound has come from which; must be somewhere behind me as I do not see William in front of me.

I also do not turn around, as I refuse to give him the time of day

He sounds close, close enough that I can easily hear every small movement he makes, like the ruffling of his clothes and the fact that I could actually clearly hear his voice instead of having to had strain my ears to just make out what he was saying

My nose perks up when I smell something delicious


Could be, I had heard him set down a plate on the side table next to the bed, so I knew some sort of breakfast was waiting for me

If it is pancakes that would only piss me off so much more, because only William would waltz in here and serve me one of my favorite breakfast delicacies unashamedly

I close my eyes again and imagine that I was anywhere else but here, that if I wanted to I could just get up and walk outside, - if that's what I wanted

I probably need to get up to eat, otherwise he will not leave the room if I don't, I could pretend that I'm asleep but I'm pretty sure he knows I'm awake, and pretending to be asleep won't do me any favors, rather it will just delay the inevitable

Sighing, I push the sheets off my body and sit up, letting my legs dangle over the side of the bed

I look to the plate sitting on the side table that holds my breakfast

Fucking chocolate chip pancakes

I nearly roll my eyes

I take a couple of bites from the pancakes, it's delicious I'll give him that, probably the best pancakes I've ever had. If we were in different circumstances I might have complimented the chef, but I don't, instead I keep my face as emotionless as I can

I hate him

Admittedly, it has not been easy to stay mad at him since what had conspired between us, - especially because he is my main source of food, entertainment, basic needs as well as human interaction

I cannot even complain about him to someone else, because there is only him

Apart from that, there is what he has done... what he did to Damien

It does not surprise me in the least. He is a dangerous man and maybe I needed to be reminded of that.

Since then I have also vowed that when I got out of here, I would make it my life's mission to put him behind bars. - But for now I eat my chocolate chip birthday pancakes

William leaves after I finished my breakfast, taking my plate with him saying things that I didn't quite catch as I had been too busy making a visible effort to show him how I was not interested in anything he had to say. By; getting back under the covers, and putting the cushion over my head to stifle any sound emitting from him

Today marks my 26th birthday, which means I have spent 11 months in here

Studies say It takes a person anywhere from 30 days to 6 months to get used to a new routine or lifestyle

I wonder if I have become acquainted with this sad way of living life, - but it beats the alternative of trying to get out of here and failing miserably

The next time I make a run for It I need to be assured that it will be successful

It has almost been a year that I have been away from home, - this thought triggers something in me as I feel my throat adopt this sensation of narrowing and burning, -a common telltale sign of my body that tears are well on their way

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