Chapter Forty Six

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A custom can be defined as a repeated practice, specifically one done over a long period of time.

Could it be considered a custom if something had only happened twice?

Probably not

But in this case I will make an exception and consider it as such because it's not every day you turn a year older and have chocolate chip pancakes brought to you in bed

I will call it the new birthday custom

''Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to Ava, Happy Birthday to you'' William singsongs the words, stepping into the room with a plate piled with freshly made pancakes.

I give him a smile before he leans down to kiss me, setting the plate down on the dresser next to me

''you should shower'' he whispers breaking apart from my lips

''why do I smell?'' I ask smiling devilishly at him

He waves his hand dismissively at me

''The water is warm now, but I took a shower already this morning so I don't know how long the water will still be warm'' he admits

I nod my head at him watching him leave the room before getting up

I get my bathrobe, and slippers, still wearing a smile on my face as I glance at the plate of pancakes that sits on my dresser with two silver colored and sparkly number candles pushed into the soft sponge of the pancakes so that the numbers are upright and facing me


When I get into the bathroom, I turn the faucet on, and climb into the bath feeling the warm water cascade down my back

Fucking 27 years old today

I feel my smile dissipate at the thought

My birthday is today

If it is my birthday today, it means that I had missed Cassie's birthday, Sue's birthday, dad's birthday, - everyone's birthdays.

What about my niece or nephew's birthday that I still hadn't met?

He or she would be 2 by now

As my birthday was the last day of the year, it meant that it was the last to be celebrated.

How had I forgotten any of their birthdays? Days I had committed to memory, dates that had become eponymous with the person, whose birthday was on that day

Not to mention I was 27 years old today, which meant another whole year had passed

I had been 25 when William had brought me in here, and now I was 27 which is closer to 30 than to 20

A sob breaks through me, tears falling from my eyes in unison with the water of the shower that is running down my body

A knock sounds on the door

''Ava you all right in there?'' William asks

I clamp my palm over my mouth to stifle the sobs, and with my other hand, I wipe at my tears frantically afraid that at any moment William could open the door to the bathroom and pull the shower curtain back and see me crying

''Yeah great!'' I say as gleefully as I can

There is no response, and for a second, I splash water on my face trying to wash any traces of tears and sadness incase William does actually barge in here and see that I had lied to him about being great

''I'll be right out'' I promise

''Okay, -'' he says in response. I don't hear his footsteps walk away, so I wait in anticipation for him to do whatever it is next ''what do you think if a game of monopoly? –''

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