Chapter Fifty Eight

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For years after leaving that cabin, I had not picked up instrument, I just felt like the person who's dreams it was to be a musician, died in the cabin

However I did get to semi-live my dream of getting my songs heard all over the world, as I sold the album that I had recorded in that makeshift album in the cabin in the middle of nowhere. The album was given to an artist who sang the song so much better than I ever could

Reaching the tops charts in 24 different countries

Initially I had been semi afraid that pursuing music after everything,- as I thought it would remind me too much of him, so I avoided it

It's funny how my dreams and goals had shifted as well, - after spending so many years of pining after a dream, I had to relearn how to imagine and create new dreams

I loved my current job, I genuinely enjoyed going to work every day, and it also helped that my work paid well enough that I could look after my kids, whilst still living very much comfortably

Although my love for music never died, it was always there, in fact I thought that my love for music was so strong that it found a way into both Eleanor and Theo.

It was slightly a different style of music than I was accustomed to, but it was music regardless

Theo played the piano and Eleanor played the violin, and every year at their music recitals, I sent a picture of them to their dad

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