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His heart was as cold as stone but for her he would Mel's it into a river of love

Jeon Jungkook is a demon graced with a cherubs charm but burdened by a past he can't outrun

Haunted by a sorrow that's been his shadow for ages, his relentless chase for victory and revenge leaves little space for matters of the heart.

When he's tasked with looking after his best friend's sister and his fiancé sister, he begins to notice a peculiar warmth spreading in his chest.

A fracture. A thaw. A blaze that could shatter his universe as he knows it

She can never belong to him...but he's claiming her regardless.

He has his standards... but he's never been driven to cross them... until her.

Step by step, bit by bit, she dismantles his barriers until he's confronted with an undeniable reality: he pledged to safeguard her, but all he craves is to consume her. Claim her. Because she belongs to him.

His Protection
His off-limits temptation.
His every wicked dream.

When their hostility ignites into one memorable night, he offers a pact that'll finally free him of his obsession: a foes with perks agreement with straightforward conditions.
No envy.
No commitments.
And absolutely no tumbling into love.

She's a liberated soul, haunted by shadows of a forgotten youth.

Aria Bennett, Despite her shattered history, she's always found the silver lining...including the love hidden beneath the frosty shell of a man she should resist.

Her brother's closest friend.
Her next-door neighbor.
Her sister's fiancé
Her knight and her downfall.

she must also conceal her longing for a man beyond her reach. Her guardian. Her shield. Her absolute undoing. Unforeseen and forbidden, their love could destory everything and spell their doom.

Her only salvation
Her brother's best friend
Her adversary
Her sole beacon of hope

Their union is a fusion from the underworld, and when the ghosts from their pasts resurface, they confront revelations that could either rescue them...or shatter all they've strived for.

She's a resilient spirit, carrying a world of wisdom in her eyes that have seen more than they should. Her laughter, rare but genuine, echoes like a melody that can soothe even the most tormented souls.

Aria is a paradox, a mix of strength and vulnerability. Her past has left her scarred, but instead of letting it define her, she uses it as a stepping stone to become the woman she is today.

Despite the shadows of her past, Aria has a heart full of love, a love so profound that it has the power to heal, to forgive, and to fight. But this love is also her Achilles' heel, leading her towards a man she should resist.

They share a love that was never meant to bloom—but when it blossoms, it reveals hidden truths that could shatter them and everything they cherish.



Well well well

Here we are in another story!!

This story going to be little different in which going to used strong language words

-Sexual content
-coarse language
-little self harm

Enjoy it!! And don't forgot to support me with it





The new part coming out in hour

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