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I stepped outside his house, our eyes still locked in a lingering gaze.

"Eat the cookies I brought for you,"

he said softly.

"Will do, thank you,"

I replied with a small smile. As I turned to leave, heading towards my own house, a sudden grip on my arm stopped me in my tracks. I was pulled back, finding myself pinned against the wall.

"What is it...."

I stammered, my heart pounding in my chest. A familiar voice echoed in my ears,

"Hello again."

It was him, my ex. His eyes were cold, his grip tight.

"I saw you with Mr. Jeon,"

he said, his voice low and threatening.

"I thought I made it clear that you are not to talk to him."

I tried to pull away, but his grip only tightened.

"And if I see you with her again, there will be trouble,"

he warned. His words hung in the air, a chilling promise of what was to come if I didn't obey. I was left standing there, my heart pounding as he walked away, leaving me with a warning that I couldn't ignore.

Why did he say that? What he's planning to do? Isn't it enough that he shot him before

I started thinking about it, it's really bad gosh I don't want to her Jungkook in trouble again

I walk to my house and my head full of thoughts

Later that night, I found myself unable to shake off the events of the day. My mind was a whirlwind of thoughts, each more troubling than the last.

And to add to my troubles, my brother was coming home from the USA the next day. I was looking forward to his arrival, but there was a catch.

I would have to spend the entire day and night with his best friend, Jeon Jungkook. The very thought of it was something I wasn't particularly thrilled about.

But I had no choice. I just hoped that the day would pass without any more unexpected surprises.

I yearned for solitude, craving the quiet that comes with being alone. Seeing him around the clock, every single day, was not what I had in mind. I tried my best to ignore him, to keep my distance, but I found myself failing at that endeavor.

My sister was planning to follow my brother, which was going to complicate things for me. He was going to be a constant presence, always there, always around.

My sister extended an invitation to him for dinner. It was meant to be our last supper, the four of us together one final time before everyone dispersed, heading to their respective destinations.

I was going to give it my all, every ounce of my being focused on ignoring him, not even sparing him a glance. I had to constantly remind myself of this mission.

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