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I'd been planning this dinner for days, wanting to make everything perfect. My brother and his girlfriend were coming, my sister with her fiancé, and me with my fame to be fiancé. The house was a flurry of activity as I prepared everything, my heart pounding in my chest.

I wore a stunning red dress that fell just above my knees, paired with bright white shoes. My hair was let down, cascading in soft waves down my back. I applied my makeup carefully, wanting to look my best for the evening.

The kitchen was a whirlwind of activity as I cooked. The aroma of garlic and spices filled the air, a testament to the delicious meal I was preparing.

I moved with a purpose, chopping vegetables, stirring sauces, and checking on the roasting meat.

But as I prepared, my mind kept drifting to my sister's fiancé. I'd always had a soft spot for him, a secret I kept buried deep inside. It was a complicated situation, one I knew I had to handle with care.

As the evening drew near, I took a moment to look around. The table was set, the food was prepared, and the house was ready for them to arrive. I took a deep breath, pushing my feelings aside.

I went to my room once I saw everything is ready.

With one final look in the mirror, I was satisfied. I was ready, and so was the dinner. The doorbell rang, signaling the arrival of them.

With a deep breath and a bright smile, I opened the door, it was Ethen with his girlfriend Ave


"Aria, omg look at you, you look stunning"

"Says you"

"How's my lovely sister doing!"

He came and hug me, it's been few days last time I saw him, but I already miss him very much

"Brother, I miss you"

"Me more!"

"Come in"

He remains unaware of the events that unfolded here that day. Neither Jungkook nor I have told him, as we didn't want to cause him unnecessary worry.

Jungkook has assured me that he'll handle the situation, although he hasn't shared any details about his plan.

"Where are Isabella and Jungkook?" he asked me.

"I'm not sure, they're probably on their way."

"And Jackson?"

"He's almost here"

I was hoping he'd arrive before Jungkook. As I was praying, the doorbell rang again.

I went to open it. Finally, Jackson was here.

"Jackson you are late"

"I'm sorry it was traffic as you know this hour of the day"

"No problem, I get it. Traffic can be a real pain at this hour, come in"

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