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This just can't be real, can it? Why did he have to show up right at this moment? Why couldn't he stick to the plan? Why does he always have to ruin it?

As I was driving going to my office, I received a call from my uncle. He's waiting for me at my office, along with some other policemen.

This shit has to stop I have to stop him and I have to tell him never come to my office it's not the right place to meet up there's my house, his house there's a lot of places we can go to and meet why does he always like to go there

As I pulled over and quickly walked to my office, I found it hard to catch my breath.

I reached my office door, open the damn door, and stepped inside. There was my uncle, sitting in my chair with his legs propped up on my desk and his hands resting on the surface.

"Uncle!" I exclaimed, my gaze sharp as I looked down at him.


As I steps forward him, and I saw there's other men with him at the office

"Chief, we try not to get him into your office but he doesn't ileten"

The other one said

"We really tried but..."

"It's fine you two can leave now"

"As you command chief"

They bowed to me and left us alone

"What the hell are you doing here?"

"Have a seat son"

"Well you sitting on my chair"

He pointed at the other chair

I didn't  wanted to leave Aria so soon after the shit show with Isabella, but I'd put off this meeting with my uncle long enough.

I found him in my office, smoking and watching a drama on the flat-screen TV hanging in the corner.

I never understood why he insisted on watching TV in here when he had a perfectly good.


He blew a smoke ring in the air. A half-empty cup of coffee sat beside him.

"To what do I owe this surprise?"

"You know why I'm here."

I sank into the overstuffed chair opposite him and picked up the ugly gold paperweight on the desk.

"Ah, yes. I heard. Checkmate." My uncle smiled.

"Congratulations. Though I have to admit, it was a bit anticlimactic. I'd expected your final move to go off with more of a... bang."

My jaw tightened.

"The situation changed, and I had to adapt."

His gaze turned knowing.

"And what about the situation changed?"

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