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"Shut up"

He hit him so hard that he tried to grab onto the table for support, but ended up falling, causing the table to topple over onto him.

He was relentlessly throwing punches, but then Isabella and Joe intervened. They successfully restrained him and managed to escort him out.

Minji and I stayed inside, exchanging glances with my ex who was sprawled out on the floor.

"I told you to stay away from me"

"I won't leave you alone, Aria, until I've turned your life upside down."

Minji grabbed my hands and swiftly guided me out. Jungkook, Joe, and my sister were already waiting for us outside.

"Aria are you okay?"

I looked straight at Jungkook. He was breathless, struggling to catch his breath.

I just nodded to her without saying anything

"What got into you, Jungkook? What did he say to make you so fucking mad?"

He looked at me before he said anything. I knew he had heard something about me that made him react that way

"Nothing let's just go home"


"Aria come with us Joe will take Minji to her house"

I look at Minji and then Joe


Why is he behaving this way? I wasn't the one arguing with my ex, so why is he so angry at me?

We arrived at our house. I was the first to get out of the car, while my sister lingered a bit with him. I didn't go back inside the car, I was actually scared, so I waited for my sister outside, next to the door.

From the window, I could clearly see both of them. My sister leaned in closer to Jungkook, but his gaze was fixed on the street ahead, not on her.

I'm not sure what she's saying to him, but it seems like his mind isn't with her.

She kissed him on his cheek and came beside me

"I don't know what's wrong with him, he didn't even say anything back to me"

"It's okay maybe he's tired"

Hours and minutes have passed, and I'm still here, unable to stop thinking about Jungkook.

My sister was asleep in her room, while I was on my bed, trying but failing to fall asleep. I left the balcony door open to let in some fresh air.

The room wasn't too dark, there was a small light on, and some light was also coming in from the sky.

After a few minutes, I heard footsteps approaching my bed. I was too scared to even scream. I thought it was my ex, but when I turned around and saw who it was, I jumped up to my feet.



"What you doing here in this hour?"

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