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The joy of our pregnancy news was like a burst of sunshine, warming both our hearts. Jungkook, with a sparkle in his eyes, shared his dreams and hopes through the night, our voices mingling with the soft whispers of our new home. That first night was a revelation, an intensity that made every touch feel new and every moment a treasure.

As dawn stretched its golden fingers across the sky, Jungkook accompanied me to the gynecologist. There, nestled in the comfort of professional care, we discovered the tiny heartbeat that marked the third week of our journey into parenthood. The doctor, with a knowing smile, offered guidance for the road ahead, a road paved with transformation and growth.

Jungkook, ever the protector, became a gentle guardian against even the softest breeze. His concern was endearing, though it sometimes made solo outings with Ave a challenge.

By the second month, my body began its graceful dance of change, my belly a gentle curve hinting at the life within. Now, at the threshold of the fifth month, my wardrobe surrenders to the undeniable presence of the little one growing inside me.

Our routine visit to the doctor was filled with the usual anticipation. As I lay there, with the cool touch of the ultrasound gel on my skin, Jungkook's presence was a pillar of strength at my side, his hand a reassuring weight in mine. The doctor, focused and kind, maneuvered the transducer, a conduit to the miracle we were about to witness.

The chill of the gel was a fleeting discomfort soon forgotten, as the screen flickered to life with the image of our future, the tiny heartbeat a symphony to our ears. Together, we watched, awestruck by the new life we had created, a testament to our love and the beginning of a new chapter.

The coolness of the gel made me squirm, and I couldn't help but voice my discomfort. Jungkook's response came with a wry twist,

"It's just Aria's generation. If this has you flustered, what about when it's time to welcome our baby into the world?"

My grip on his hand tightened, a silent echo of my inner turmoil at the thought of childbirth.

"Maybe I rushed into this," I confessed, the shadow of fear creeping into my voice. "In my eagerness to create a life with you, I overlooked the daunting aspects of birth. The reality is, I'm not mentally prepared to face that kind of pain."

Jungkook's eyes met mine, filled with a blend of realism and reassurance.

"I won't sugarcoat it; childbirth is tough. But remember, the pain is temporary, just moments in time. And then, you'll be holding our child, and all the discomfort will fade into insignificance."

He brushed my hair back gently, his gaze warm and full of empathy. "The moment we bring our little one into the world, every challenge will seem small. Don't you agree?"

I couldn't help but respond with a mixture of affection and exasperation. "Easy for you to say, Jungkook. You're not the one carrying a tiny human inside you." My words, though laced with a hint of reproach, couldn't fully mask the love and the shared dream that connected us.

Jungkook's sharp intake of breath was the perfect punctuation to my teasing words, his eyes wide with mock horror as the doctor turned to face the ultrasound monitor.

"The things you say," he chuckled, shaking his head. "I must admit, your swollen belly has become one of my favorite sights. But yes, I'm also eager for the day we can finally meet our little one and say goodbye to the belly."

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