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Being the chief police officer at the station is no easy task. The weight of responsibility is heavy, but it's a burden I carry willingly.

Every day is a new challenge - from dealing with minor disturbances to solving complex cases.

I've got a team to lead, decisions to make, and a community to protect. It's tough, but it's rewarding.

I've learned to handle the pressure, to stay calm amidst the chaos. It's about balance, about knowing when to push and when to step back.

And at the end of the day, knowing I've made a difference, however small, makes it all worth it.

A door knocks opened and get in

"Chief Jeon"

I looked up waiting for him to talk without me saying anything

"There's something happening at the center and we need to go"

I raise my eyebrows waiting for more information

"There has been accidents, more then one car bombing at a time, and we have to go and check it"

"Alright go and take some other policemen with you"

"Alright chief"

"And tell me if I have to come"

"Alright chief"

Right in the middle of working a case, her image popped into my thoughts again. I found myself wondering why she kept appearing in my mind.

It was becoming a pattern, a mystery of its own that I couldn't quite solve. I shook my head, refocusing on the task at hand, but I couldn't shake the feeling that these unexpected thoughts of her meant something more.

I tried to fouce again on my job but nothing can help me so I give up

Leaning back in my chair, I found my mind wandering to her again.

Protecting her was my priority, that much was clear. But her sweet, kind innocence was like a beacon, drawing me in.

I knew I had to be careful, not to let my personal feelings interfere with my duty. It was a delicate balance, one I was determined to maintain. I would protect her, I decided, not just because it was my job, but because I genuinely cared.

And as for falling for her... well, i had just have to cross that bridge when I got to it.

It was getting dark and I have to go home soon, I was so lazy to go home and cook, I wish I had someone to cook for me

I stayed more at the office and then left after few minutes while going to my car my phone ring

I looked at it and it was Isabella




"Come we are having dinner and we thought of you"

It was perfect time to end it, but I can't go not with Aria there, I have to be so far away from her

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