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We were all lounging around, the room filled with
casual chatter, when suddenly, the sound of footsteps approached, followed by a rhythmic knocking at the door. My heart skipped a beat; I knew it had to be Jungkook. With a mixture of excitement and nerves, I rushed to open the door.

The moment he caught sight of me, his face lit up with that familiar, heartwarming smile. He stepped inside, his presence instantly making the room feel complete. But as he ventured further in, his eyes landed on the girl seated amongst us, an unexpected guest waiting just for him.

The shock that washed over his face was palpable, a silent storm of emotions that everyone could feel but not understand. I, too, was in the dark about this mysterious girl's identity, but she seemed to know exactly who Jungkook was.

With a confidence that surprised me, she declared her connection to him. She knew I was his girlfriend, yet here she was, wanting to meet him, to reconnect with a past that I wasn't a part of. Despite the turmoil brewing inside me, I mustered up the hospitality to welcome her.

Silence hung between us like a thick fog; we didn't exchange words, but Ethen and Ave filled the void, striking up a conversation with her. As for me, I was a whirlwind of emotions — anger, curiosity, jealousy. I needed to know who this girl was, what she meant to Jungkook, and why she had suddenly appeared in our lives.

"Love..." I began, my voice a mix of tenderness and a plea for answers, hoping to understand the situation that had unfolded so unexpectedly before us.

The sight of her casually calling him "love" ignited a fiery cascade of anger and jealousy within me.

Jungkook, quick to sense the shift in the air, turned his eyes towards me. Even without words, my face betrayed the storm of emotions I was trying to contain.

"What are you doing here?" He asked, his voice strained with the effort of maintaining composure.

I stood there, a silent sentinel beside them, as the tension between us crackled like a live wire.

"I came for you," she declared, her voice steady, her intent clear.

That was the last straw. I couldn't stand there and witness this any longer. I spun on my heel and made my way to the living room where my brother and his wife sat in calm contrast to the turmoil inside me.

"Is it Jungkook?" Ethen inquired, his voice cutting through my reverie.

I gave a mute nod, sinking into the sofa. My arms were folded defensively across my chest, my whole demeanor screaming 'back off' to anyone who dared approach.

Shortly after, they entered the living room. She walked with a confidence that seemed to mock my inner turmoil, while Jungkook led the way, his expression unreadable. The room filled with a heavy silence, punctuated only by their footsteps and the loud beating of my heart.

The room was thick with anticipation, every pair of eyes flicking between Jungkook, the new girl, and myself.

The unspoken question hung in the air, palpable and heavy: where would he choose to sit? As he took a few deliberate steps towards her, my heart sank, but in a swift, unexpected pivot, he changed course and made his way to me instead.

He sat down, leaving a small but noticeable gap between us, as if to preserve my personal space—or perhaps his own.

Silence enveloped the room, the kind that speaks volumes more than words ever could. The tension between Jungkook and Ethen was evident; whatever had transpired between them, their friendship was clearly still on rocky ground.

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