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When I heard Joe ask, "Are you okay?" something stirred within me. Seeing tear cascade down her cheeks, knowing she was crying because of me, affected me deeply.

"Aria..." Isabella called out

I was rooted to the spot, deaf to the world around me. I knew with absolute certainty what was wrong with her, but I was clueless about my own condition.

"Baby..." her sister saying to Aria

As Isabella approached her, Aria pulled her into a tight embrace, tears streaming down her face. She clung to her sister, unable to find the words to respond, but her embrace spoke volumes.

Isabella's arms wrapped around Aria in a tight embrace, her hands gently stroking her sister's back, moving up and down in a soothing rhythm. She held on tightly, trying to comfort and calm down her sister in the midst of her tears.

"Shhh, everything's gonna be okay. What's the matter, baby? Why are you crying?"

Isabella whispered softly, her voice filled with concern and tenderness. She held Aria even tighter, hoping to provide some solace in the midst of her sister's tears.

"Isabella" Aria said

Isabella gently pulled away from the hug, her hands resting on Aria's arms. She looked into her sister's eyes and said...


"I'm sorry.."

"You didn't do anything wrong, Aria. Why are you apologizing?"

Isabella asked, her eyes filled with confusion and concern.

"Just like that I'm sorry"

Then she hugged her again

"It's fine, whatever is bothering you don't think about it, eveything is going to be fine baby sister"

Stuck in place, I watched them hug. I knew I had messed up, I fucked up both of their lives forever changed.

Hand on my forehead, I massaged it, desperately trying to conjure up a solution. But my mind was a blank canvas, nothing was coming to me.

I locked eyes with Aria. Her gaze was a language of its own, one that I understood better than anyone else.

After few minutes when Aria get little bit better we continue with the party


Aria run to her brother and hugged him, he finally have arrive where almost the party is over

"He finally came"


He came to us

"Congratulations to the most annoying people in my
Life" he said while smiling

"I bet you mean the most important people in your life right" I said while putting a fake smile on my face

The room buzzed with laughter and clinking glasses, a symphony of celebration. But to me, the sounds were distant, as if I was underwater, detached from the world above.

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