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Posted tonight cuz I didn't post last night

enjoy it besties!!!

Comments between the lines

I get closer to him, he lean against the wall and sitting on the big rock next to us, I get really close to him, I stood between his legs, I put my hands on his cheeks

This could very well be the last time my fingers trace his features, a touch devoid of the warmth it once held.

Inside, there's a void where emotions used to dance wildly; it's as if he reached in and snuffed out the very essence of them, leaving a hollow where love once thrived.

All the feelings I harbored for him are extinguished, leaving behind a stark, numbing emptiness.

I gently move my hands across his face, feeling the familiar contours beneath my fingertips. As soon as my hand makes contact with his cheek, he instinctively closes his eyes, as if savoring the moment and allowing himself to be fully present in our shared connection.

As he shut his eyes, a fluttering pulse would race through my heart, especially when I was mere inches from him or when my touch lingered on his skin. But not anymore

My sister, well my sister from different parents, stood there watching us, as I was touching his face with my cold hands

his feelings are right, he knows this is going to be the last time I'm going to be this close to him and see him again

With my cold fingertips tracing the contours of his face, he opened his eyes and caught me intently exploring every feature, every detail before me.

When he opened his eyes and our gazes locked, there was no flutter in my chest, no skipped heartbeat—just a stillness inside me.

I lean down on him and whispered


I took a deep breath, the words barely escaping my lips as I leaned down closer to him.

"I wish.."

I could feel and hear his heartbeats, my hand resting over his chest, syncing with the pulse of his heart.

He followed my hand to my face, our eyes locking, and I whispered the words.

"I wish you were killed with your family that day"

A single tear fall on my cheeks when I said that to him

With those words, I realized the depth of his pain mirrored my own, a reflection of our fractured past. with how he fucked up my whole life

He looked at me, and for the first time, I saw a tear in his eyes. It shimmered but didn't make its way down his cheeks.

Instead, it was as if the emotion had flooded into the whites of his eyes, turning them a deep, pained red.

It was a moment of vulnerability I had never
witnessed in him before, a silent signal of the turmoil that lay beneath his stoic exterior.

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